feminine strength, integrity, moral character, overcoming prejudice, virtue

Our Favorite Superheroes and the Lessons We Learn From Them

We live in an age of superheroes. Whether it is through comics, movies, TV shows, or commercials, superheroes have captured our attention and inspired us with their exciting adventures. But more than just amazing us with their powers, these heroes also teach us some valuable life lessons. Captain America: Upholding moral values If there is ...

Raven Montmorency


Good Deeds Will Be Rewarded If One Has Patience

Receiving rewards for good deeds is not always obvious. A long, long time ago in a village in China, a wealthy man had a young handyman working in his house. This young handyman was kind, hardworking, liked to help others, and had almost no bad habits. He started working for the wealthy man at a ...

Helen London

He decided to use his salary to build a bridge for the villagers who were struggling to cross the river.

Shi Dakai Valued Righteousness Above Material Interests

The Taiping Rebellion (1851-1864) was the largest civil war in China and was led by Hong Xiuquan, Shi Dakai, and others. It established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a state the ruling Qing Dynasty refused to recognize, and had a long-lasting impact on Chinese history. Shi Dakai, one of the generals of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ...

Helen London

The Taiping Rebellion.

The 3 Great Sage Kings Held in High Regard in China

According to traditional Chinese accounts, Emperors Yao, Shun, and Yu are together considered the three Great Sage Kings, largely because of their high character standards and skillful leadership. Historical experts see in them moralistic constructs of the ideal ruler, conceived during China’s classical period around the 5th century A.D. China’s 3 great sage kings 1. Emperor ...

Nspirement Staff

How to Judge a Person’s Moral Character

It’s hard to really judge a person’s moral character. But in certain situations, you can see a person’s heart more clearly. What’s their reaction when faced with self-interest? Faced with an opportunity for self-gain, a person can put on a mask of “goodness” in order to manipulate others and gain what is desired. But how ...

Emma Lu

A lotus flower.