Is it possible for people to sense signs before death? Numerous instances suggest that there are indeed signs …
scientific research
Why Do People Follow Orders Even When It’s Against Their Own Judgement?
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesBack in the 1960s in a Yale University basement, some interesting and controversial experiments were carried out by psychologist …
Intense Radio Burst in Milky Way Could Help Resolve Origins of Mysterious Phenomenon
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesNew data from a Canadian-led team of astronomers, including researchers from the McGill Space Institute and McGill University Department of Physics, …
When we talk about great scientists of the world, we mostly think of men like Einstein, Stephen Hawking, …
Chinese Money Funding American Research: Is This the Future of Global Science?
by Max Luby Max LuSeveral security experts have been warning that China’s rise in the scientific field will be a threat not …