galaxies, galaxy formation, new discoveries, star, study

Astronomers Model Determines How Disk Galaxies Evolve so Smoothly

Computer simulations are showing astrophysicists how massive clumps of gas within galaxies scatter some stars from their orbits, eventually creating the smooth, exponential fade in the brightness of many disk galaxies. Researchers from Iowa State University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and IBM Research have advanced studies they started nearly 10 years ago. They originally focused ...

Troy Oakes

Galaxy gas.

Accuracy of El Niño Simulation Hones Climate Change Estimates

Correctly simulating ocean current variations hundreds of feet below the ocean surface — the so-called Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent — during El Niño events is key in reducing the uncertainty of predictions of future warming in the eastern tropical Pacific. That was revealed in a new study led by University of Hawai’i at Mānoa researchers and published in Nature ...

Troy Oakes

Cracked earth and a blooming field.

Home-Educated Children Left Without Qualifications

The cancellation of exams this year in favor of teacher-predicted grades has had a “significantly detrimental” impact on many home-educated children, who are not able to gain qualifications this summer, a study warns. Home-educated children sit exams as independent candidates and have been left without a suitable substitute, as exam boards rely on schools to ...

Troy Oakes

Area for home education.

China’s Children Left Behind by Climate Change and Urbanisation

A UNSW report considers China’s children affected by migration and climate change, and the necessary social policy reforms required to protect their rights. The expansion of protections for China’s migrant and “left-behind” children is essential for the nation’s continued economic and social wellbeing, according to a Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) paper. The landmark study, commissioned ...

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Chinese child with an imploring look.

Research: Crop Plants Are Taking Up Microplastics

Microplastics (MPs), i.e., tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in length, can now be found throughout the ocean and other aquatic ecosystems, and even in our seafood and salt. As MPs have become ubiquitous, scientists have become concerned about the transfer of MPs from the environment to the food chain and the potential impact ...

Troy Oakes

Plastic lego people.

Honeybees Reveal Environmental Pollution in Their Surroundings

Honeybees are bioindicators of environmental pollution in the area, since they get coated in everything that there is in the environment, including pollutants, and they end up taking it all back to their beehives. Honeybees sample a significant range of spaces, because they have a wide flight range, becoming covered with whatever build-up is in ...

Troy Oakes

Honeybees on a beehive frome.

COVID-19 Is Messing With the Weather Forecast Too

Weather forecasts have become less accurate during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the reduction in commercial flights, according to new research. A new study in AGU’s journal Geophysical Research Letters finds the world lost 50-75 percent of its aircraft weather observations between March and May of this year, when many flights were grounded due to the pandemic. Aircraft ...

Troy Oakes

An airplane wing with clouds.

New Insight Into the Origin of Water on Earth

Scientists have found that interstellar organic matter could produce an abundant supply of water by heating, suggesting that organic matter could be the source of terrestrial water. There remain a number of mysteries on our planet, including the elusive origin of water on the Earth. Active studies suggested that terrestrial water was delivered by icy comets or ...

Troy Oakes

Drops of water causing ripples.