healthy foods, traditional chinese medicine, winter, wintertime

7 Foods to Help You Through Winter

Dietary habits in winter need to follow two basic rules to help maintain good health, according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. These are to eat hot food and eat a varied diet for a balance of fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals. 7 foods to help you get through the winter with optimum health 1. ...

Jack Roberts

Supernatural Abilities and Acupuncture Skills in Ancient China

Many ancient Chinese doctors are said to have had supernormal capabilities, such as being able to see through a physical body. A few such physicians in ancient China, who are said to have had supernatural abilities, were Bian Que, Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao, and Li Shizhen. According to the medical records of the famous doctor ...

Hermann Rohr

Ancient Chinese physician Hua Tuo.

4 Foods That Help Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and is the main cause of disability in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation. Some 54 million adults are diagnosed with arthritis, with osteoarthritis affecting approximately 31 million adults. Even infants and children are prone to the disease, with about 300,000 cases in the U.S. alone. According to ...

Nspirement Staff

Fruits and vegetables.

A Bowl of These Soups in the Fall Can Help Keep the Doctor Away

Traditional Chinese medicine highly values the preventive properties of certain soups during the fall. As the old saying goes: “A bowl of soup in fall, and you will not need to see a doctor.” When the weather cools down during autumn and the days get shorter and the nights colder, many people catch colds or feel ...

Hermann Rohr

秋天一碗湯 不用醫生幫

5 Modern Chinese Medications That You Might Want to Try

Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years. But with the emergence of the more modern Western medicine, it has been relegated to an alternative or complementary role in medicine. Millions of people, however, swear by these treatments for various reasons — whether they’re looking to treat a common cold or as a natural ...

Emma Lu

Heel Pain: Here’s How You Can Put Your Foot Down

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, heel pain may be caused by a kidney deficiency. The foot/shaoyin kidney meridian passes through the heel and when the kidneys are weak, its essence begins to diminish and the heel becomes prone to pain. There are different ways to treat heel pain with different approaches in both modern ...

Hermann Rohr

A Farm Full of Cockroaches

An attack of the cockroaches could be a possibility in Xichang, a city located in Sichuan, Southwest China. That’s because the city houses a farm of 6 billion cockroaches that are bred for medicinal and pharmaceutical purposes. As per traditional Chinese medicine, cockroaches are useful to heal gastrointestinal- and respiratory-related diseases. They are  especially great for ...

Jack Roberts

Cockroaches crawling around on a limb.

Detoxification Herb: Paris Polyphylla

Paris polyphylla is a detoxification herb that has long been regarded in traditional Chinese medicine as a great cure for fevers, burns, and for detoxification. In particular, it cures snakebites very well. Native to the Himalayas and China, Paris polyphylla has a small purple flower nestled in the middle of a symmetrical whorl of leaves. ...

Nspirement Staff

8 Ancient Chinese Tips for Long Life

Since the beginning of time, or so it seems, people have continually sought the elusive dream of immortality, and this desire has resulted in many traditional techniques for living a long life being passed down from generation to generation. There are several ancient Chinese health tips that are inexpensive, simple to do, and believed to ...

Emma Lu

Massaging the shoulders.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: All the Rage in the U.S.

Traditional Chinese medicine has traveled a great deal to reach the current recognition and status it has in the U.S. Acupuncture, a part of traditional Chinese medicine, was given legal recognition as a medical practice only in 1973 by the state of Nevada, even though it has been in practice in the country well before ...

Nspirement Staff

Woman having acupoints massaged.