fitness, intermittent fasting, weight loss

Intermittent Fasting: The No Drama Diet Program

In the past, people rarely ate more than three meals a day. But today, people have fridges and cupboards full of sweets, snacks, and other foods. It’s almost as if human beings have developed a tendency to keep eating every hour or two. This is a dangerous habit since it leads to weight gain and ...

Raven Montmorency

Intermittent fasting.

A New Study Finds Fat Consumption Is the Only Cause of Weight Gain

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have undertaken the largest study of its kind looking at what components of diet — fat, carbohydrates, or protein — caused mice to gain weight. Since food consists of fat, protein, and carbs, it has proven difficult to pinpoint exactly what aspect of ...

Troy Oakes