Even though the world music scene is currently dominated by modern forms like hip hop, rap, pop, and so on, there is still a niche of music lovers who would rather hear a piece by Vivaldi or Mozart. And rather than limiting itself to just being another form of entertainment, the benefits of classical music for its listeners are numerous.
The benefits of classical music
Improve sleep quality — If you have been having trouble with sleeping, spending a few minutes listening to classical music can be of great help. In a study conducted in 2006, it was found that students who were plagued with sleep disorders were able to sleep without much trouble after listening to classical music. The study also recommended nurses to use this approach while treating people suffering from insomnia.
Improve memory — It is theorized that music allows the brain to accept new information and recall it in a faster way. In fact, a study that tested this theory found that students who listened to a lecture with classical music played in the background were able to recall the things discussed in the lecture in a better way as compared to students who sat through lectures without any classical music being played in the background.

Students who listened to a lecture with classical music played in the background were able to recall the things discussed in the lecture in a better way. (Image via Pixabay)
Lower blood pressure — Listening to classical music is also a great way to manage blood pressure. A few hours of listening to classical music is said to help lower stress while also lowering the blood pressure. As such, if you do suffer from high blood pressure, try making a habit of listening to classical music every day, along with ensuring that you take your medications on time. This should produce some favorable results and is one of the great benefits of listening to classical music.
Manage anxiety — Anxiety is a very common problem for people today. And classical music offers a solution. Pregnant women who listened to classical music every single week were seen to have controlled their anxiety and stress. Patients were also found to be calmer prior to surgery if they listened to classical music before going under the knife.
Increase intelligence — Spending some time regularly with classical music can make you smarter. In fact, this type of music is well known to improve the spatial-temporal reasoning of the brain. People who spent just 10 minutes listening to Mozart have also been observed to have better IQ scores compared to being tested without listening to Mozart.
The benefits of Chinese music
When talking specifically about Chinese classical music, positive effects have been observed in people who practice it or listen to it.

When talking specifically about Chinese classical music, positive effects have been observed in people who practice it or listen to it. (Image: IQRemix from Canada via Flickr)
A performer is quoted by CGTN as saying: “I never knew anything about music when I started. I stumbled upon it after visiting a park many years ago and fell in love with it. I started singing in 2004 and went on to lead a singing group in 2010. I have also learned to play different musical instruments. When I sing, my frustrations go away. I feel happy mingling with other people. Singing together is good for one’s health.”
In China, there is also a growing trend of senior citizens singing in the parks as a means to instill a sense of calm in themselves. And with the number of elderly increasing day by day, classical music could just prove to be a great stress-buster that could give them the peace of mind they deserve.
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