Keeping the pancreas healthy is essential to ensure the proper functioning of your body. The pancreas performs two major functions in the human body — breaking down food to aid digestion and neutralizing acid in the stomach to prevent the intestines from getting damaged.
When the pancreas is dysfunctional, your body won’t receive the right amount of nutrients from the foods you ingest.
6 foods for a healthy pancreas
1. Spinach
This leafy vegetable is known to be a rich source of vitamin B and iron. While vitamin B helps to nourish the pancreas and keep it functioning optimally, iron helps in reducing the chances of inflammation. In addition, spinach also contains monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG), which fights cancers and ensures that you are at a lower risk of contracting pancreatic cancer. You can incorporate spinach into meals as an addition to a salad. If you love eating sandwiches, consider replacing lettuce with spinach.
2. Turmeric
Categorized as a spice, turmeric has been used in traditional Indian and Asian medications for thousands of years. And for a very good reason. Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing pain. It can ease burning sensations in the pancreas.
Plus, the spice helps the pancreas improve its production of insulin, enabling the body to regulate blood sugar levels. When the bile duct is obstructed, gallstone formation is triggered, which can lead to the onset of pancreatitis. Turmeric has the ability to reduce the size of gallstones, as well as slow down their formation.

Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing pain. (Image: via Nspirement)
3. Sweet potatoes
According to various studies, sweet potatoes have the ability to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 50 percent. They have a low ranking on the glycemic index and release sugar slowly into the bloodstream, thereby stabilizing sugar levels.
Traditional interest in sweet potatoes comes from the fact that they have a resemblance to the pancreas. In the old days, eating foods that resembled an organ was thought to be good for the organ. This is why walnuts were believed to be good for the brain and tomatoes for the heart.
4. Probiotics
Eating foods rich in probiotics helps keep the digestive system and pancreas healthy. They also boost the immune system. Look for probiotics with strains of bacteria like Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which has been identified in preventing pancreatitis. Bifidobacterium bifidus helps in soothing inflammation and preventing pancreatitis symptoms. You can add probiotic-rich foods to your daily meals by using yogurt, kimchi, fermented vegetables, coconut water kefir, and so on.
5. Garlic
According to research conducted by the National Cancer Institute, people who regularly consume garlic reduce their chances of pancreatic cancer by more than 50 percent. This alone should help you understand why you should sprinkle some garlic in your dishes every day.
It boosts insulin production by the pancreas and helps keep blood sugar levels normal. The antibiotic properties of garlic are multiplied when used in combination with other foods like fenugreek and onion. Two cloves of garlic per day should be good enough for your pancreas.

Research conducted by the National Cancer Institute showed that people who regularly consume garlic reduce their chances of cancer of the pancreas by more than 50 percent. (Image: via Pixabay)
6. Tofu
For those looking to add more protein to your diet, consider using tofu since it contains low-fat proteins. It aids in the recovery of the digestive tract, while also protecting the pancreas from any damage. If you make salads or soups once a day, add a few cubes of tofu.
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