With the increase in the number of people infected with the Wuhan coronavirus in many countries, everyone is paying more and more attention to avoiding catching this virus. No previous research can confirm how long the coronavirus can survive in the external environment, so the best protective measures are to wash your hands frequently and keep your surrounding environment clean.
5 ways how to avoid being infected with the Wuhan coronavirus
1. Keep your distance
Data shows that viruses tend to spread from person to person via cough and sneeze droplets. If people are close to each other, they may directly inhale the virus from the droplets released by the infected person when they cough or sneeze. They can also transfer the virus to their hands, which are then transferred when they touch their face. If the droplets fall on an object and another person touches it, the coronavirus will also be transmitted to that person.
Droplets can easily float in the air. Based on the view that the transmission of the virus is more likely to occur among people in your local vicinity when you are outside, keep a certain distance from others as much as possible, preferably not less than one meter.
2. Wash your hands
Washing your hands is very important. You can inactivate viruses with hand sanitizer and wash them away with soap and water, but you have to spend at least 20-30 seconds washing your hands and pay attention to the correct way to wash your hands, especially when you return home from outside.
3. Sleep
For the prevention of the Wuhan coronavirus, immunity plays a key role. People with strong immunity are less likely to be infected. Even if they are infected, they are more likely to recover than those who are elderly or with weak immunity. An important way to maintain immunity is to get enough sleep — at least 7 hours at night.
4. Drink water
There is currently no effective drug for treating this viral infection, but drinking more water increases urine output, which assists in excreting toxins from the body. Drinking more water can speed up the body’s circulation and help maintain the immune system.
5. Disinfect
In order to reduce the risk of the Wuhan virus in the home or office, you should also perform indoor disinfection every 7 days. You can use alcohol or a germ-killing cleaner to clean common-use surfaces, such as doorknobs or phones, while ensuring their safe use. After cleaning, keep the windows open for ventilation, which helps disperse the disinfectant and recirculate the indoor air.
The above points are for general knowledge purposes only. If you experience any symptoms that are associated with the Wuhan coronavirus, avoid contact with others and seek medical attention immediately.
Translated by Chua BC and edited by Helen
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