There are major energy pathways, or meridians, located along the back that can be stimulated by bumping the back. There are also extensive nerve systems and acupuncture points located along and on either side of the spine that are connected to all four limbs and many internal organs.
The Du Meridian, located in the middle of the back, is the main reservoir of the body’s yang energy, which is the major source of vitality. The bladder meridians, located on each side of the spine, are the longest meridians with the most acupuncture points. Stimulating these meridians every day can help improve blood circulation, increase endocrine and digestive functioning, and support the immune system.
Directions for bumping the back
Start by standing with your back to the wall, leaving a 6-8 inch gap between you and the wall. Make sure that you are relaxed, and then let yourself bump back against the wall. Do this at intervals of about one bump per second, letting out an “Ah” sound with each bump.
The bumps should be strong, but balanced, and need to occur in the following order: upper back, lower back, waist, left shoulder, right shoulder, then the left and right sides of the entire back. Try to hit the entire back.
Bumping the upper back stimulates the “Feiyu acupoint” that cures lung disease, the “Xinlung acupoint” that cures heart disease, the “Duyu acupoint” that regulates energy, and the “Geyu acupoint” that helps with stomach and digestive problems. Bumping the lower back stimulates the “Ganyu acupoint” that cures liver disease, the “Danyu acupoint” that helps with gallbladder issues, and the “Piyu acupoint” that governs the spleen.
Bumping the acupuncture points on the left and right shoulders can help with headaches, facial issues, cervical vertebrae diseases, and frozen shoulders. Bumping the sides of the back will help in regulating breathing and promoting energy, while bumping other parts of the back will help with neck and shoulder issues.

Bumping the back should be done gradually
Start by bumping the back for 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the exercise time to 30 minutes, until you can feel the heat in your back. You may find yourself making some embarrassing sounds while doing the exercise — this is a sign that your internal organs and your circulation system are all being cleansed. This exercise is far more beneficial for your health and wellbeing than a simple massage, as relaxing as that might be!
Elderly people should not attempt to do this exercise for any longer than 3-5 minutes.
Those with severe heart disease should avoid it altogether. A small number of people may experience dizziness or some other slight signs of discomfort, which are normal effects as the meridians are adjusted. These effects can be countered by adapting the strength of the bumps and the exercise time.
Translated by Hsin-Yi, edited by Kathy
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