In 1669, a renowned Danish doctor named Barning discovered an Italian woman whose body emitted light. Fast forward …
acupuncture points
Few people know that hair acupoints are a thing and that by massaging the scalp and adding pressure …
Traditional Chinese Medicine: What Can You Do for a Stroke, Fainting Spell, or Heart Attack?
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrHow does one react to emergencies like a fainting or panic attack, heart attack, or stroke? According to …
The pleasantries of life come in all colors and flavors when it comes to sugary and oily foods. …
How Neiguan (P-6) and Just Your Hand Can Treat Your Entire Body
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrNeiguan is one of the most efficient acupuncture points on the human body, with a variety of applications …
Massaging Acupuncture Points: An Easy Way to Relieve Common Health Issues
by Max Luby Max LuMost of us know that acupuncture can help treat and relieve many ailments’ symptoms. But did you know that even …
There are major energy pathways, or meridians, located along the back that can be stimulated by bumping the …
Sciatica is a medical condition characterized by sharp pain and numbness radiating down the sciatic nerve, from the …
Leg cramps are most commonly experienced in the calf or the toes and can be very uncomfortable. A …
Since the beginning of time, or so it seems, people have continually sought the elusive dream of immortality, …