The Lucky Iron Fish is a simple, reusable, and effective cooking tool that adds extra iron to foods or drinks. It is an affordable solution, especially for those with anemia.
Anemia, which is an iron deficiency, is a very common health problem around the world, particularly in developing countries where they don’t have sufficient food or nutritional supplements.
Canadian Science graduate Christopher Charles visited Cambodia and saw how anemia was affecting the villages there.
He found in the villages that the children were tired and had slow mental development, and people couldn’t work due to tiredness and headaches.
This amazing Lucky Iron Fish is a life-changing invention.
How the Lucky Iron Fish works
So how does it work? This little fish is made of iron and is put into food when it is being cooked and slowly releases the correct amount of iron into the food.

The recipe is simple, Dr. Charles told the BBC.
“Boil up water or soup with the iron fish for at least 10 minutes. That enhances the iron which leaches from it.”
“You can then take it out. Now add a little lemon juice, which is important for the absorption of the iron.”
Watch this video explaining how this works:
If the Lucky Iron Fish is used every day in the correct way, Dr. Charles says it should provide 75 percent of an adult’s daily recommended intake of iron — and even more of a child’s.
The Lucky Iron Fish has helped over 10,000 families around the world.
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