Human food is safe for humans, but certain foods should not be given to your dog, even as a small treat.
Even though they, too, are mammals, their digestion has been designed to allow them to eat a smaller variety of foods, with meat as their primary diet.
The food we can eat is metabolized differently in dogs. For example, they don’t have many of the digestive enzymes we have. They also have smaller bodies and don’t deal well with compounds that we can break down readily, such as those found in alcoholic drinks, vegetables, grains, and plants — they would never have eaten these in the wild.
This video points out the foods you probably have in your house that need to be strictly off-limits to your pet:
Worst human foods for a dog
- Avocado contains persin, a highly toxic substance for most animals. One bite can potentially cause stomach pain and vomiting.
- Grapes and sultanas can cause kidney failure in canines.
- Caffeine found in chocolate, tea, and coffee upsets the central nervous system and heart. A lethal dose of caffeine may not be as much as you imagine.
- Macadamia nuts can interfere with your dog’s locomotory movements. For example, they may appear drunk or, otherwise, they could experience acute joint pain and swelling.
- Dairy products, such as milk or ice cream, can upset a dog’s stomach, leading to diarrhea and vomiting. Half of all canines tested are lactose intolerant, so why risk it? Pet milk is on the market, which they can digest. However, water is the best drink.
- Garlic and onion, containing sulfoxides and disulfides, both damage blood cells, potentially leading to anemia.
- Alcohol and other recreational drugs, such as marijuana, are incredibly toxic to dogs. Their bodies cannot — in any way — deal with these toxins. Reactions include coordination problems, coma, and, in worse cases, death. Be honest with the vet if your dog has consumed an illegal drug. You can ask the vet to honor your right to confidentiality.
- Xylitol, an ingredient in sugar-free confectionery, such as gum and sweets, also comes in the form of granules for cooking — and is one of the most dangerous household foods for dogs. A small amount can bring on seizures, and death.
- Chocolate contains theobromine, which is lethal to dogs. Chocolate poisoning is the most common complaint — who would have guessed?
- Bread dough contains yeast, which, when allowed to ferment in a warm environment, such as your dog’s stomach, produces poisonous alcohol.
- Hops, either cooked or raw, set off a reaction whereby the dog develops a fever, leading to organ failure and seizures.
- Moldy foods may harbor tremorgenic mycotoxins, which may cause tremors and convulsions in your dog, which could end up being fatal.
- Apple and pear cores contain cyanide, which, when ingested, can cause dizziness, hyperventilation, collapse, and possibly coma.

Feed your canine a healthy diet
In addition to keeping human food out of your dog’s diet, foods such as raw meats, fish, and eggs need to be fresh and safe to eat. When allowed to spoil, these fresh foods may breed dangerous levels of pathogenic bacteria, which can make your pet very ill.
If you want to feed your dog fresh meat, visit your local butcher to buy some fresh bones to supplement dry food. You can also purchase fresh pet mince from your supermarket.
Dry food is the best and most cost-effective food to feed your pet.
If kept dry, it doesn’t spoil, and good brands contain all the necessary ingredients for health and development.
Don’t offer your dog chips, bread, biscuits, cheese, or chocolate for treats, as these are unhealthy foods. Canine treats such as dried liver are inexpensive and can be found in a pet store.
Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has gotten into your pantry, car, or handbag and eaten something from this list.
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