animal kingdom, animal senses, dog, dolphins, heroes, human animal connection, mare, rabbit, whale

The Unspoken Heroes: When Animals Come to Our Rescue

Headlines often remind us of the challenges and adversities we face. However, it’s heartwarming to remember that sometimes, the most unexpected heroes emerge from the animal kingdom. These stories of courage warm our hearts and remind us of the deep connection between humans and animals. Let’s dive into some incredible tales where animals have stepped ...

Max Lu

A white beluga whale.

The Japanese Zodiac: Which Animal Are You?

Japan is a country steeped in rich cultural traditions and folklore. The Japanese have a deep connection with nature, reflected in their symbolic use of animals.  These creatures, whether real or mythical, have profound meanings in Japanese society. Over time, they have been woven into 12 zodiac animals known as juunishi, each representing a year ...

Nathan Machoka

Twelve animals of the Japanese zodiac.

If Humans Disappeared, What Would Happen to Our Dogs?

For many of us, dogs are our best friends. But have you wondered what would happen to your dog if people suddenly disappeared? Can domestic pets make do without people? At least 80 percent of the world’s one billion or so dogs live independent, free-ranging lives — and they offer some clues. What would they ...

Troy Oakes

A domesticated dog.

Animals That Repaid the People Who Saved Them

All things in this world have a spiritual nature, including animals. Saved animals will always repay the benefactors that helped them.  A dog rescued its master and caught the bandit A merchant made a lot of money doing business in Wuhu, China. He prepared to go home, and so he rented a boat. When he ...

Trisha Haddock

A man walking his dog.

Everyday Household Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Human food is safe for humans, but certain foods should not be given to your dog, even as a small treat. Even though they too are mammals, their digestion has been created to eat a smaller variety of foods — meat being their primary diet. The food we can eat is metabolized differently in dogs. For ...

Raven Montmorency

A dachshund.

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The characteristics of Chinese zodiac signs can be surprisingly accurate. To find your Chinese zodiac sign, you can use the Chinese calendars and charts that we have prepared for our readers. Here’s how to use them. The Chinese zodiac cycle repeats every 12 years, starting with the Rat sign. You are assigned an animal sign ...

Emma Lu

A cartoon rendering of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodia: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Basenji Dog Breed DNA Helps Unravel Clues About Evolution of Man’s Best Friend

An international study led by UNSW researchers has mapped one of the most intact and complete dog genomes ever generated. The genome sequence of the Basenji dog (Canis lupus familiaris) could have a big impact on the understanding of dog evolution, domestication, and canine genetic diseases. The Basenji — also known as the barkless dog ...

Troy Oakes

5 Powerful Signs of the Chinese Zodiac

On the surface, some people do not appear to be special. They have no status and lead a normal life working 9 to 5 seemingly without ambition or aspiration. Little do people realize that these people are actually working hard in preparation for their future. In addition, they are powerful; eventually, such people will come ...

David Jirard

A display of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac.

Loyalty: Dog Walks 2 Miles Every Day to Visit His Owner’s Grave

A recent incident in the province of Sassari, Italy, shows that dogs are not just man’s best friend during their lifetimes, but that their loyalty can extend even beyond that. What an Italian man’s dog did after his death is beyond explanation. Who would think that a dog could be so connected to his owner ...

Hermann Rohr

A sad-faced dog.

The Angel’s Misjudgement

Can angels get it wrong? One day, a blind man was crossing the street with his guide dog when a large truck lost control and hit him, killing him on the spot, and also killing his faithful guide dog that was trying to protect his master. The blind man and the dog arrived at the ...

Emma Lu

Angels in Heaven.