Why do so many people die at a young age these days? Why do some people meet with misfortune just when it seems everything is going so well for them? Many people seek money, power, and fame but these things are not easily found or kept. The reason is the heavenly rule: blessings are bestowed on the virtuous. There was a saying in ancient China that still rings true today — if you show gratitude for the good things in your life, more will come to you. This is a wonderful teaching for children, as it will help them to be satisfied with what they have.
The saying: “A true gentleman is honest in all his dealings,” is very important. Some people want to cut corners and do things illegally in business in order to get ahead in life. This is inviting trouble, as there are consequences for every action. Some people might say they don’t believe it, but give it a try and you’ll see what happens.
There are people who don’t care about having the latest phone, designer labels on their clothes, or the most expensive car. Why is that? Because they are counting their blessings. They know that following the heavenly rule and being happy with what they have is the key to avoiding trouble in the future.

Others pursue fame or profit with no thought of what this might bring them. They’ll pay any price or take any measures to achieve their goal. They’re envious of other people’s status and believe that they need to compete in order to prove their worth. They do this at any cost, never thinking about what disasters their actions may bring them in the future.
Not following the heavenly rule brings disasters
Children and young people are becoming increasingly focused on the material things in life. Where do they learn this? Parents, school, and society are the biggest influences in a child’s life. Parents who encourage a competitive mindset by setting this example themselves do a lot of damage to their children. These parents are guaranteeing their children will never be happy, as they will never be satisfied with what they have, which is just the opposite of following the heavenly rule. And they are also inviting disaster into their lives as they may grow into adults who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay ahead and have the newest and best of everything.

These parents are spoiling their children rather than showing them real love. We are all born with a certain amount of virtue. Focusing on what we don’t have and having a competitive mindset is guaranteed to waste our virtue. This is dangerous, as without virtue, one’s life can be at risk. Plentiful virtue brings wonderful blessings.
Many people are envious of those who are rich and successful. These people have earned their place by acting in a virtuous manner in all of their dealings. The Book Of Changes says: “Good deeds will bring lasting blessings to a family; bad deeds will bring disaster to generation after generation of the family who commits them.” If you wish to have riches and fame, you need to make sure you are preserving and accumulating your virtue.
All the good things in life, such as success, friends, support, and happiness, come when you are generous, grateful, helpful, and kind to others. Being angry, taking advantage of others, and complaining all invite disasters, such as illness, loneliness, and poverty. Practicing gratitude and counting your blessings every day is a powerful way to keep and increase your virtue, as well as making you content with all that you have.
Translated by Audrey Wang
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