Are you sleeping restlessly? Feeling irritable or moody? Forgetting little things or feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. You’re probably just stressed out. Have you ever heard of mindfulness?
We all know what it’s like to feel stressed, and we deal with it differently. But how much stress is too much? Your body will let you know when you are over-stressed, perhaps through muscle tension, sweaty palms, or difficulty breathing. You might feel worried, fearful, tired, or have trouble concentrating.
These can be signs of stress, but the consequences can be much more significant, both in your life and for those around you.
When is stress good and when is it bad?
Stress is something everyone experiences when feeling challenged, but it isn’t always a bad thing. In the short term, stress can be advantageous. It can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus — like when you’re playing a competitive sport, or have to speak in public.

But when it’s continuous, the kind most of us face daily, it actually begins to change your brain. Chronic stress from things like being overworked or having arguments at home can affect the brain’s size, structure, and function down to the level of your genes.
More than just emotion, stress is a hardwired physical response that travels throughout the entire body. If activated for too long, the body’s fight or flight stress response changes the brain and damages many other organs and cells throughout the body.
Whatever your experience is, it is essential to keep your stress under control. In response to stress, many people are turning to meditation or mindfulness.
What is mindfulness and how does it help to cope with stress?
Mindfulness is defined as non-judgmental awareness of the present lived experience.
Researchers find that mindfulness has many benefits, such as enhanced positive emotions, reduced stress, and increased well-being.
Mindfulness helps you regulate the racing, repeated patterns and unproductive thoughts that cause stress. It essentially allows you to self-regulate.
Another feature of mindfulness is having an open and accepting attitude toward high-stress situations. An open mind leads to a higher acceptance of what is going on and a better ability to tolerate tough situations, which ultimately contributes to feeling less stressed.

The core of mindfulness is intention, attention, and attitude. Mindfulness helps develop the attitude “This worry is not about me,” or “These thoughts are not about me,” which cultivates the ability to see a situation for what it is. As you do so more and more, your confidence in your ability to cope grows, and you are less likely to be stressed by events that would have previously caused stress.
Mindfulness, stress coping, and everyday resilience
It can be challenging to know where to begin when changing the way you think.
Does it sound like a lot of work? It doesn’t have to be. The idea is to do things one step at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.
“STOP” is an easy way to practice mindfulness when faced with a stressful situation. When something triggers you, STOP:
Slow down.
Take a breath.
Observe: How do you feel? What are you thinking?
Proceed: Weigh and consider.
If you catch yourself becoming stressed about anything, acknowledge it. It’s a critical first step toward resolving the problem. If you’re fatigued, under the weather, have headaches, or have stiff muscles, consider whether it’s due to stress. Don’t be afraid to look at the sign or to disregard it.
Now that you’ve got a better understanding of the benefits of mindfulness and how you can start adopting some techniques into your everyday life, use them to stay happier and healthier, whatever life may bring.
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