In a society filled with love, understanding, and harmony, individuals are more willing to share stories about raising children. Today, we delve into the heartwarming story of Sophi Green, a Chinese orphan born without arms whose life took a dramatic turn when an American couple adopted her.
Adoption: A beacon of hope
Many Westerners, particularly Americans, adopt orphans, especially those with disabilities, treating them as family. Over the past decades, numerous Americans have journeyed to China to adopt the most vulnerable children in impoverished rural areas. They do so not for fame or profit, but out of genuine love and compassion.
Sophi Green, a 7-year-old girl living in Utah in the U.S., was once a little Chinese girl abandoned by her parents due to physical disabilities. Born without arms and with a right leg shorter than the left due to the absence of the fibula, Sophi’s life was destined to change when she was adopted in 2010 by a compassionate American couple, Christianne and Jeremy.

The power of resilience
Upon bringing Sophi to America, her adoptive parents quickly realized she was a child of exceptional resilience. She strived to live as normally as possible despite her physical limitations, using her feet to perform tasks that others would typically do with their hands. This determination was evident when she attempted to eat an ice cream with her foot, leaving her adoptive mother in awe of her indomitable spirit.
Sophi Green’s optimistic and strong character became more apparent as she grew older. She learned to walk and carry out daily tasks using her feet, never indulging in self-pity. Like any other young girl, she developed a love for painting and dancing. Despite her physical challenges, she found immense joy in dancing, making her incredibly happy.
A family of unconditional love
Sophi Green’s adoptive parents did everything they could to help her live an everyday life. They modified their home to accommodate her needs, including installing a pool for her to wash her feet and replacing rotating door handles with pressable ones. They even bought her a unique bicycle.
When Sophi Green started school, she faced new challenges. While her family provided her unlimited love and support, she had to deal with her peers’ curious and sometimes hurtful questions. Her mother visited the school to address this, patiently explaining Sophi’s situation and showing videos of her daily life. This helped the other children understand her condition, and they began to offer their help and friendship.

A home full of love and laughter
Sophi Green’s adoptive parents have adopted seven children, all with physical disabilities. Some have severe heart conditions, some need wheelchairs, and three are visually impaired. Despite their challenges, their home is filled with laughter and joy. Sophi plays games and does makeup with her visually impaired sister, Lexi, even without her hands. Her blind brother plays music for her to dance to.
Sophi Green’s parents believe physical limitations do not hinder one’s ability to be happy and brave. They consider providing these children with a loving family environment their mission and are committed to fulfilling it. Sophi’s story is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the human spirit. It inspires us all, reminding us to cherish life, embrace challenges, and spread love and understanding in our society.
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