Dreams have fascinated humanity for millennia. Ancient people attributed them to divine messages and omens in several religious texts. Also, most ancient cultures believed a dream could reveal the past, present, and future. But can these explanations satisfy the modern mind? Do we have modern interpretations of dreams based on science?
Sigmund Freud, considered the father of psychoanalysis, believed dreams are a link to the unconscious mind. According to him, whatever we dream of has a hidden meaning, and dream analysis can help us gain insight into a person’s suppressed thoughts, wishes, and motivations.
The modern consensus among most researchers is that dreams mostly serve physiological and biological functions like processing emotions, consolidating memories, inspiring creativity, and even improving symptoms of depression. Scientists have even shifted the study of sleep and dreams to animals, such as dogs, dolphins, spiders, and lizards.
Finding deep symbols and ascribing hidden meaning to dreams is as fascinating to us as it was to our forefathers. Like Freud, some modern psychologists and interpreters still believe that common dreams have universal interpretations.
What common dreams mean
1. Dreams about flying
Most people wish they could fly like superheroes, and dreams about flying can be liberating and empowering. Usually, people fly alone, which may mean they feel confident, independent, and free from confining social norms. In these realms, you experience things from another perspective.
On the other hand, flying in a dream may signify your need to escape something or rise above challenges in your life.

2. Teeth falling out
This dream can be pretty devastating because teeth can be a symbol of beauty, communication, power, and aggression. Losing your teeth in your dreams may mean that you feel you are losing your attractiveness. It may also show a deep-seated fear of aging.
It may also signify that your brain is trying to cope with a situation where you have felt powerless, embarrassed, or unable to express yourself adequately.
3. Falling
We’ve all heard of the myth that you’ll die if you hit the ground while falling in your dream. This is not true, and the myth may have come about because most people are usually jerked awake when they dream of falling right before they reach the bottom.
This dream occurs because people have insecurities, instability, and fear of failure in their waking life. You may also not have control over whatever is happening and may need support to find your ground.
4. Being chased
This is a common dream where you are chased by someone familiar, a stranger, or an animal. The primary meaning is that you may be trying to avoid or run away from some responsibilities.
If the chaser is a stranger, you may be running from a painful experience or childhood trauma. On the other hand, dream interpreters believe that if a love interest is chasing you, you could be afraid of a new relationship or haunted by a previous bad one.

5. Naked in public
Dreams where you have been exposed in public areas like offices or schools are not unusual. They may show that you are afraid of social embarrassment.
Another possible interpretation is that you have impostor syndrome, which means you fear people knowing your shortcomings and imperfections.
6. Dreams about dying or the dead
Most of us have woken up sweating, crying, or paralyzed with fear after dreaming about dying or someone close to us dying. It’s frightening, but it may have a simpler meaning: You may be afraid of change. Like death, change is scary because people don’t know what awaits them.
Meanwhile, a dream where you meet a deceased loved one may be comforting or evoke deep emotions. Dream theorists believe this dream may show a longing for closure, unresolved healing, and emotional healing.
Researchers have also shown people nearing their death experience comforting dreams where their loved ones welcome them.
7. Pregnancy
Pregnancy dreams may signify that you are experiencing a potential relationship or new beginning in your life. You may be switching careers, moving to a new city, embarking on a spiritual journey, or even a real-life pregnancy.

Other interpreters believe this dream may mean someone fears being an inadequate mother.
8. Water
Water dreams are challenging to interpret because they may range from turbulent ocean waves to calm water in a stream. The former may mean you are overwhelmed and feeling unsupported by those around you. Calm waters may have positive interpretations like peace or freedom.
9. Recurring dreams
Most people experience recurring dreams, but studies show these are more prevalent among women than men. They may signify you have unresolved issues or are unhappy with some aspects of your life.
Modern interpretations of dreams focus on the significance of personal context and emotions. Dream theory explores symbols, feelings, and recurring themes to understand people’s fears, desires, and aspirations. Whether exploring dream interpretations for entertainment or self-discovery, these are a fascinating part of our lives.
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