In the Heian period, the sound of the string instruments and flutes would arouse homesickness; in the Warring States period, the sounds of the conch and taiko were used to inspire people and improve combat effectiveness. Today’s music can be expressive of different cultures, and it can harmonize people’s hearts and minds and even improve conditions like dementia.
The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras advocated that “music can heal people’s chaotic spirit.” In modern times, the medical effect of good music has been gradually confirmed, and it has been discovered that music can bring great help and even relief to people who are suffering from disease, depression, and anxiety.
When it comes to music therapy, you will probably think of the familiar and timeless Mozart. Mozart’s rich music stimulates the nerves of the brain and the spinal cord, The music activates the parasympathetic nerves, as well as relaxes the body and mind.
Professor Kazuhisa of the Junior College of Saitama Medical University indicated that high-frequency waves act on the parasympathetic nerves of the medulla oblongata to restore the function of the lymphocytes and boost the cancer-attacking NK cells from 1.2 to 1.6 times greater at the end of the lymph nodes.
Harmonizing effect of Mozart’s music on dementia
Listening to Mozart’s music reduces the stress hormone cortisol, doubles the amount of immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies, and rapidly increases the number of lymphocytes. Playing or listening to Mozart’s music after exercising will help the heart rate and blood pressure recover about three times faster.
There are also reports that it promotes the secretion of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels. In addition, patients with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s can also improve after listening to Mozart’s music.
The delightful “Rhythm of 1/f” power balances the body and enhances the relaxation effect. The “Rhythm of 1/f” refers to the healing melody found in nature, such as the sound of a “babbling brook,” the music of small rivers, rain falling on the roof, the sound of the wind rustling in the trees, bird songs, or the sound of waves washing up against the shore.
Alpha brain waves appear when people feel comfortable and happy. Becoming one with the external rhythm can reset your heartbeat so that every cell, every organ, and your entire body will ease into a relaxed state. Everything becomes uplifted and the world seems all right again.
When listening to music, adjust the earphones to a volume that makes you feel comfortable and safe, and puts you in a pleasant mood. Deafening yourself in the process is not an option. Set the goal of listening to 30 minutes of music in the morning and afternoon each day.
Listening to music can improve the symptoms of illness and calm the nerves
Besides Mozart and Beethoven’s music, deep-meaningful songs, beautiful lyrics, favorite singers, or music that calms your heart, nerves, and mind can all act on your parasympathetic nervous system as a tonic and have a positive impact on dementia.
As for myself, I listen to a CD of a certain healthcare doctor’s lecture every morning, and the dialects of the Tsugaru region of Japan that flow through my ears always warm me up from deep down and brighten up my day.
If Mozart was alive today, his Symphony Number 40 would still be top of the charts in popularity. Cheers Amadeus!!
Translated by Patty Zhang
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