In Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, an elderly care center adopted a Shiba Inu dog named Bunfuku. The center features a pet-friendly environment where elderly residents and their pets can live together on the second floor. This area is divided into four sections, accommodating a total of 10 dogs and 9 cats.
According to the news report, Bunfuku, a Shiba Inu that was about to be euthanized in 2012, was instead rescued and brought to the care center. One day, a staff member noticed Bunfuku standing with his head lowered in front of an elderly resident’s room. Unexpectedly, the next day, the resident passed away. Bunfuku jumped onto the bed to lick the resident’s cheek as if bidding a sorrowful farewell and refused to leave despite the staff’s efforts.
The uncanny ability of the Shiba Inu
Michihiro Wakayama, the facility’s manager, shared that Bunfuku has cared for more than 10 residents during his time there. Two to three days before a resident’s death, the Shiba Inu would stand outside their room with his head lowered, and a day or two later, he would enter the room, watching the resident’s face from the bedside. At the moment of death, Bunfuku would jump onto the bed and gently accompany the resident as they took their final breath.
Wakayama acknowledged that many might find this phenomenon lacking a scientific explanation, and even he and the other staff members are mystified. It’s possible that the Shiba Inu’s keen sense of smell allowed it to detect when a resident was nearing the end. However, unlike other dogs, only Bunfuku stayed by the side of the dying. Wakayama speculated that Bunfuku’s personality and experiences might play a role, especially since Bunfuku had narrowly escaped euthanasia at a shelter before being rescued by an animal protection group. Perhaps his past traumatic experiences had endowed the Shiba Inu with this unique premonition ability.
An emotional farewell
One noteworthy instance involved a nearly 90-year-old elderly man in Bunfuku’s care area. Despite being given only a week to live and often being in a confused state, he frequently mentioned “Sajima,” recalling his days working as a fisherman at Sajima fishing port. A staff member suggested taking the elderly man to revisit the port before his passing. Despite their worries about the trip’s physical demands, the staff consented to go if Bunfuku didn’t exhibit his typical end-of-life behavior.
Since the Shiba Inu did not stay outside the fisherman’s room, the elderly man, with the assistance of his daughter and caregivers, was taken to revisit the fishing port, which brought back many fond memories. The trip went smoothly, and six days later, under Bunfuku’s care and with his family by his side, the elderly man peacefully embarked on his final journey.
Whenever an elderly resident is nearing death, Bunfuku, seemingly with the ability of premonition, stays by their side until they pass away, making him an essential part of the care center’s palliative care. Wakayama even documented Bunfuku’s touching story in a book, which was reprinted in 2020.
Bunfuku’s story highlights the profound connection between humans and animals, emphasizing compassion and presence in the most vulnerable moments of life. His intuitive care brings comfort and dignity to the elderly, offering a powerful reminder of the impact of unconditional love and empathy. This miraculous Shiba Inu teaches us that the essence of life is not measured by scientific explanations, but by the warmth and kindness we share with others.
Translated by Katy Liu
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