Armin Auctor

Climate Change: Why There Is Hope for the Future

Talks of climate change and shifting weather patterns have largely been focused on the negative in recent times, such as the wildfires of the Amazon or Australia, record carbon dioxide emissions, rapid melting of glaciers, and so on. However, not everything is all doom and gloom. There are some positive developments with regard to climate ...

Armin Auctor

Clouds across the world's land masses.

4 Ways Technology Will Change the World in 2020

With the start of a new year, many people are curious as to what lies ahead in the field of technology. We will likely see the spread of some technologies that will soon create new markets or dominate existing markets. These include techs like autonomous vehicles, edge computing, DARQ, and hyper-automation. How technology is changing ...

Armin Auctor

A Tesla showroom.

No More GPS: China’s Alternative Service Will Be Completed This Year

Beidou is China’s own satellite positioning system that will allow the country to cut back its reliance on America’s GPS technology for military and communication purposes. First rolled out in 2000, Beidou will have 35 satellites in the network. Thirty-three of these satellites have already been launched and the remaining two will be in position ...

Armin Auctor

The Beidou GPS satellite.

Raising Retirement Age? Not a Good Idea in China

In China, the retirement age for men has been set at 60 years. For women, the limit is fixed at 55 for those who work in white-collar jobs and 50 for blue-collar workers. In 2018, the administration proposed that the retirement age be increased by one year for every three years for women and every ...

Armin Auctor

A retired Chinese man.

How Social Media Has Evolved

Social media is today an unavoidable necessity for most people. Almost a decade back, it was just making its mark in people’s lives. The fact that it has become such an important part of daily life in such a short time is an incredible achievement. It also makes us wonder how social media is going ...

Armin Auctor

A moobile phone with Facebook and tiles spelling social media.

Chinese Moon Lander Uncovers Mysterious Substance

A few months back, it was reported that China’s Chang’e 4 lunar rover, named Yutu-2, had stumbled across a mysterious substance on the Moon. Identified as a “gel-like” substance, its presence on the lunar surface has baffled scientists. A mysterious substance When the rover came upon the mysterious substance, the researchers postponed all other driving ...

Armin Auctor

The Moon in space.

No, the Neuralink May Not Solve Brain Diseases as Elon Musk Hopes

Last month, entrepreneur Elon Musk suggested that his Neuralink project, which will act as a man-machine interface, will be able to treat brain diseases. But Randy Bruno, a neuroscientist from Columbia University, believes that such hopes might be misplaced. Treating the brain Musk revealed the potential medical application for Neuralink during an interview with the ...

Armin Auctor

The Neuralink Project.

Here Are the 6 Best Things Shanghai Offers Travelers

Shanghai is one of China’s largest and most prosperous cities. As such, anyone who travels the world or plans on visiting China should have Shanghai on their must-visit list. Once in Shanghai, be sure to check out these 6 things 1. Yuyuan Garden Located in the northeast of the Old City of Shanghai, Yuyuan is ...

Armin Auctor

Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden.