David Jirard

Flavonols May Reduce the Risk of Dementia

With the development of advances in the medical sciences in modern society and free access to information over the Internet, people are paying an increased amount of attention to health and wellness. Human life expectancy is getting longer, but the risk of dementia is becoming more serious which is a concern for many. Flavonols may ...

David Jirard

Organic vegetable box with heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, red onions, broccoli, and avocado.

Benefits of Exercising for 10 Minutes a Day

It is well known that exercising can improve health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, but many people resist the idea when they think about exercising. According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, exercising for 10 minutes a day can reduce mortality by 6.9 percent in adults over ...

David Jirard

Handsome young Asian man out for a walk with his bulldog.

Top 9 Natural Sleep Aids for Restful Nights

Are you struggling to achieve a good night’s rest? If so, natural sleep aids can provide a more organic solution, blending the properties of various herbs to ensure sleep that lasts till morning. Some of these potent sleep enhancers may have peculiar aromas, but don’t be discouraged, their effectiveness is unparalleled. Using herbal remedies as ...

David Jirard

A cup of moon milk.

9 Work Habits to Be Successful

A person’s success happens for a reason. If you want to be successful in the workplace, you must first know how to be responsible to yourself, have good living habits, and do things smoothly 9 habits for a successful career 1. Punctuality To become more punctual, set your watch, mobile phone, wall clock, and any ...

David Jirard

A man arriving late to a meeting.

7 Foods That Are Good for Your Brain

Keeping the brain in good working order has a great impact on your daily life. These 7 brain foods are simple components of a daily diet that will keep it healthy. Keep in mind that for the fruits and vegetables listed, frozen are just as good as their fresh counterparts which will save on the ...

David Jirard

A glass of water.

A Simple Cancer Prevention Recipe

With the high prevalence of cancer, the medical profession has made efforts to conduct research in this area. They have found that fucoidan, an extract from brown seaweed, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and reduce its recurrence. The study also confirmed the usefulness of fucoidan in Chinese medicine as an additional treatment to ...

David Jirard

A seaweed salad.

10 Habits to Increase Your Life Expectancy

After a medically reviewed article regarding 10 simple steps to promote longevity was published, people commented that the first one is very easy, but the fourth is the most difficult. These 10 habits are conducive to an increased life expectancy and are not difficult to do. To get the most out of them the important ...

David Jirard

A woman walking her dog.

What Is the Best Exercise?

As we all know exercise improves health, and not engaging in such activity will negatively impact your life expectancy. Adhering to an exercise program helps to prolong your life, and it can bring many benefits to the body. But which is the best one to participate in? Is it true that people who stick to ...

David Jirard

Racket sports such as tennis are the best exercise you can do to improve your life. (Image: Rawpixelimages via Dreamstime)

10 Traits of a Refined Person

A refined person gets that way from a kind of cultivation that comes from within; others experience that refinement through that person’s speech and behavior. So what makes a refined person? A refined person’s traits 1. Punctuality Punctuality shows respect for others; more so, it reveals excellent sincerity. Zizhi Tongjian, a pioneering reference work in ...

David Jirard

Caring for others.

4 Symptoms of High Blood Sugar After a Meal

People who suffer from high blood sugar need to control their condition through exercise, diet, and medication. Many diabetics aren’t aware of their blood sugar fluctuations. There are simple methods to tell whether one’s blood sugar is too high. If these symptoms appear after meals and they occur frequently, the person’s blood sugar may be ...

David Jirard

Excessive thirst after a meal is one sign of high blood sugar.