One day during Yu Zhongwen’s youth, there was a case where the Ren and Du families in the village reported that each of them had lost a cow. Both families searched extensively, but could still not find their cows. Finally, with the help of others, a cow was found. Both families claimed the cow belonged to them, leading to a dispute that escalated to the local prefecture’s office. After listening to each family, even the local prefecture official could not determine whose cow it was, so the case was put on hold.
Han Bojun, the Chief Historian of the prefecture, was suddenly inspired and said to the local official, “Young Yu Zhongwen is brilliant. Why not summon him to assist you in resolving this case?”
The local official was unconvinced and replied: “He is just a child without experience. This case is beyond the capability of adults, let alone a child.” Han responded, “Sir, you are mistaken.” Han recounted an anecdote about when Yu accompanied his father to meet Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty when he was nine.

Emperor Wen asked Yu, “I heard you enjoy reading. What do the books you read say?” Yu calmly replied, “In respecting and caring for parents and serving the country, though books contain many words and teachings, the most important things are loyalty and filial piety.” Emperor Wen was amazed by Yu’s strong summation and repeatedly praised him, “Well said! Very well said!”
A young child solves the case
After finishing his story, Han asked the prefecture official: “Sir, do you think we can let this young Yu Zhongwen try to handle this case?” The local official gladly agreed and instructed his subordinates to bring a red invitation card to Yu’s home. When Yu arrived at the prefecture office, he inquired about the situation and smiled, saying: “This case will be easy to resolve.”

Yu summoned the heads of the Ren and Du families and commanded them to bring their herds of cows to the large field in front of the office. The cow that was found was separated from the herds. Then Yu shouted, “Ren and Du families, release your cows simultaneously!” After all the herds were released, the cow found, the one both families claimed, ran toward the Ren family’s herd. The crowd watching the scene cheered, “This cow belongs to the Ren family; it certainly belongs to the Ren family!”
With a cold gaze, Yu saw that the Du family did not accept the decision. He said, “Just one more thing. Bring the cow that was found back out of the herd.” The cow was led out, and Yu loudly ordered the bailiffs to whip it as severely as possible. The Ren family members rushed forward fiercely and snatched the whip away. Meanwhile, the Du family members shouted from the sidelines, “Stop, stop.” Their cries were feeble and seemed like poor acting.
After observing the situation, Yu sternly interrogated the Du family members, “If it is found that this cow is not yours and you insist on claiming it, besides a tenfold fine, your family will also bear legal responsibility! Do you dare to bear it?” Knowing they couldn’t deceive Yu, the Du family members had no choice but to admit to lying about the cow. They recognized their plans had been thwarted by the wisdom of a child. They nodded repeatedly, apologized, and left.
From then on, the story of the missing cow spread, and Yu’s reputation became very well known. Later, he held a high-ranking position in the Sui Dynasty.
Translated by Joseph Wu
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