Hermann Rohr

Japan’s World Cup Team Redefines Sportsmanship and Public Gratitude

Even though the Japanese team lost their deciding game, they won the hearts of many people through their display of sportsmanship. An image circulating the web shows how spotless the Japanese team left their dressing room. Japan might have lost the quarterfinal game, but they have gained the respect of the world. FIFA’s match commissioner ...

Hermann Rohr

On Smudging, Incense, and the Science Behind It

Waving smoke from sacred fires or burning herbs or incense for purification has been a common practice among many traditions throughout the ages. It is said to be a bridge to the higher realms; a way to clear spiritual and emotional negativity that has built up in a space or a person. According to scientific ...

Hermann Rohr

Burning incense.

German Players and Fans Face Defeat at the World Cup

Germany has silently left the World Cup soccer championship in Russia. Just shortly after the misfortune of Kazan and the historic loss against South Korea, the national team flew home. While many casual fans might be furious or disappointed and angry, many flocked to the Frankfurt airport where the German players would soon land to show ...

Hermann Rohr

The Red Yao Women of the ‘Long Hair Village’ in China

The red Yao women are a minority ethnic group from the Huangluo Yao Village, northwest of Longsheng County in China’s Guangxi Province. Their village is also popularly known by the alias “Long Hair Village.” The females among this ethnic group have an average hair length of 2.3 meters (about 7 feet). They usually keep their ...

Hermann Rohr

10 Things Not to Do in Japan

Traveling can be an amazing eye-opener — getting to experience a different culture, learning a foreign language, or just being able to get the chance of observing the human condition from a different perspective. Some countries lean more toward etiquette than others. Japan is one of those countries. While you won’t run into legal issues if you ...

Hermann Rohr

Grass-Fed vs Corn-Fed Beef: What You Should Know

A growing number of people today can no longer ignore the way animals are treated in factory farms and feedlots. And even those desensitized to human suffering are slowly hearing their conscience whisper that the way we feed and farm animals may not be very healthy and sustainable. While all beef cattle spend the first few ...

Hermann Rohr

Heel Pain: Here’s How You Can Put Your Foot Down

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, heel pain may be caused by a kidney deficiency. The foot/shaoyin kidney meridian passes through the heel and when the kidneys are weak, its essence begins to diminish and the heel becomes prone to pain. There are different ways to treat heel pain with different approaches in both modern ...

Hermann Rohr

Reincarnation: The Case of Luke Ruehlman

How are we to view reincarnation? Children have a wild imagination and can be very creative when telling stories to describe their perception of things or events in their worlds. But what if the stories they sometimes tell weren’t made up? What if some children could somehow access their soul’s memory and remember scenes from ...

Hermann Rohr

Three heavenly figures.

Hong Kong Observatory Keeps an Eye Out for Approaching Cyclone

April to June are the wettest and most humid months for Hong Kong. This year, however, had its residents steaming in the streets and in their homes as May 2018 was the hottest on record. On the heels of this news, the Hong Kong Observatory issued a Tropical Cyclone Warning at 04:45 (HKT) on June 6, 2018. With ...

Hermann Rohr

How to Protect Yourself From Pool-Related Germs

If you like traveling, then you will be among the many who also enjoy the amenities of the hotels you stay at. The tubs in the spa, the pools, or the water playgrounds for kids offer hours of well-deserved downtime for busy parents, but you need to protect yourselves from pool-related germs. However, the Cryptosporidium, ...

Hermann Rohr

an oudoor swimming pool.