Nathan Machoka

Harmonies of Flavor: How Music Affects the Taste of Cheese

The origins of cheesemaking are not definitively known, but evidence suggests that the practice began with the domestication of milk-producing animals, such as sheep. Archaeological findings, including remnants of cheese and cheesemaking tools in an Egyptian tomb, indicate that this craft dates back at least 4,000 years. Cheesemaking involves a precise process of combining bacteria ...

Nathan Machoka

A block of Emmental cheese.

6 Reasons Why Divorce Is Not the Best Solution

Marriages have ups and downs, and almost every couple has thought about divorce at least once. In the U.S., the rate is about 40-50 percent for first marriages and 60-70 percent for second marriages. The numbers aren’t very different across many countries worldwide. Of course, there are valid grounds for divorcing, such as infidelity, physical ...

Nathan Machoka

Marriage versus Divorce written on paper arrows.

Overcome People-Pleasing: Tips for Prioritizing Your Needs

Falling into the trap of people-pleasing is a common dilemma, often fueled by the addictive lure of constant validation that makes us feel needed and valued. Yet, this desire to make everyone around us happy comes with significant costs, including frustration, anxiety, stress, depleted willpower, and even severe burnout. This may undermine the relationships you ...

Nathan Machoka

Word bubble containing the words 'You can't please everyone' in red ink.

The Transformative Power of Living Books

Some parents say: “My kid is not a big reader,” or “I can’t get them to read.” But have you ever thought that the problem may be the books you’re giving them or the ones you read yourself? Some books are not engaging to readers; they don’t speak to you. Only living books talk to ...

Nathan Machoka

A child reading a living book.

10 Strategies to Use When Feeling Unmotivated

Feeling motivated is like an unpredictable friend. Sometimes, it’s energizing and abundant; at other times, it’s elusive and draining. We’ve all experienced moments when we are unmotivated and uninspired. Maybe you are trying to juggle too many tasks, are bored with a monotonous routine, or are overwhelmed by choices. 10 strategies to motivate yourself when ...

Nathan Machoka

An unmotivated-looking young man at his desk.

The Dark Side of Alcohol: How It Affects Your Skin and What to Do

The skin is our body’s largest organ; its natural glow usually reflects our well-being and health. Various lifestyle choices may affect your skin, and alcohol is one of the biggest culprits. Its impact on your skin depends on the amount consumed, consumption frequency, skin type, and overall health. If you want to know the effects ...

Nathan Machoka

Various colorful cocktails sitting on a counter.

Cultivating Knowledge: Teaching Children Where Food Comes From

In a time when processed foods dominate our tables, children need to understand where food comes from. Most of us are also far removed from farms, and, unsurprisingly, some children think food comes from grocery stores. Of course, older children may understand a bit about food production from science lessons, but they need activities to ...

Nathan Machoka

Mother holding her daughter along with fresh produce in the grocery store by a bin full of apples.

Opening Pandora’s Box: Lessons on Curiosity, Consequence, and Hope

You’ve probably heard of the idiom “to open a Pandora’s box.” It means doing something that brings unforeseen consequences or causes many problems that didn’t exist before. According to Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by the Greek gods to punish humans. But why would the gods want to punish humanity?  Why was ...

Nathan Machoka

Pandora's box.

Warning Signs: Recognizing and Addressing Toxic Relationships

A healthy relationship can be a source of joy, growth, and support. While disagreements are natural, they are typically resolved in a way that doesn’t compromise the long-term commitment between partners. However, when warmth fades and disagreements become frequent, the relationship might be veering toward toxicity. What defines a toxic relationship In a toxic relationship, ...

Nathan Machoka

Man on sofa with arms crossed and frowning sits beside a frowning woman with her back turned to him.