Troy Oakes

Fate of Coral Reefs Undermined by Mining

A new study from The Australian National University (ANU) has shown the impact phosphate mining is having on our coral reefs. The study looked at coral reefs around Christmas Island, where there’s been extensive phosphate mining for around 100 years. Lead researcher Dr. Jennie Mallela says in areas near the island’s mining “hot spots,” the ...

Troy Oakes

Astronomers Find Traces of One of the First Stars

Astronomers have found the ghostly remains of one of the Universe’s first stars inside a rare, ancient star far, far away on the other side of our galaxy. ANU astronomer Dr. Thomas Nordlander said the parent of the star they discovered 35,000 light-years away in the Milky Way was about 10 times the mass of ...

Troy Oakes

Yellowstone’s Mantle Rock Extends to Northern California

Victor Camp has spent a lifetime studying volcanic eruptions all over the world, starting in Saudi Arabia, then Iran, and eventually the Pacific Northwest. The geology lecturer finds mantle plumes that feed the largest of these eruptions fascinating because of their massive size and the impact they can have on our environment. Yellowstone’s supervolcano is ...

Troy Oakes

A Yellowstone hot pool.

Urban Trees Found to Improve Mental and General Health

People living in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, an Australian study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers has found. In neighborhoods with a tree canopy of 30 percent or more, adults had 31 percent ...

Troy Oakes

Urban trees.

New Paper Points to Soil Pore Structure as Key to Carbon Storage

Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan State University professor in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, and several of her colleagues recently discovered a new mechanism determining how carbon storage in soils takes place that could improve the climate resilience of cropping systems and also reduce their carbon footprints. The findings, published in the scientific journal Nature ...

Troy Oakes

Saving the Bees: A Dutch Solution

In the town of Utrecht in the Netherlands, many of the bus stop rooftops are covered in plants. This has been done in support of saving the bees in the region. Saving the bees More than 300 bus stops in Utrecht have been converted into bee-friendly places. In addition to boosting the biodiversity of the ...

Troy Oakes

A bee pollinating a clover flower.

Researchers Recreate the Sun’s Solar Wind and Plasma ‘Burps’ on Earth

The Sun’s solar wind affects nearly everything in the solar system. It can disrupt the function of Earth’s satellites and creates the lights of the auroras. A new study by University of Wisconsin–Madison physicists mimicked solar winds in the lab, confirming how they develop and providing an Earth-bound model for the future study of solar ...

Troy Oakes

Study Finds African Smoke Is Fertilizing Amazon Rainforest and Oceans

A new study led by researchers at the University of Miami’s (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science found that smoke from fires in Africa may be the most important source of a key nutrient — phosphorus — that acts as a fertilizer in the Amazon rainforest, tropical Atlantic, and Southern oceans. Nutrients found ...

Troy Oakes

The Amazon rainforest.

Predicting Earthquake Hazards From Wastewater Injection

A byproduct of oil and gas production is a large quantity of toxic wastewater called brine. Well-drillers dispose of brine by wastewater injected into deep rock formations, where its injection can cause earthquakes. Most quakes are relatively small, but some of them have been large and damaging. Yet predicting the amount of seismic activity from ...

Troy Oakes

Gas facilities in Europe.

More Known on Magnetic Fields That Surround the Earth and Other Planets

Vast rings of electrically charged particles encircle the Earth and other planets. Now, a team of scientists has completed research into waves that travel through this magnetic field, an electrically charged environment, known as the magnetosphere, deepening our understanding of the region and its interaction with our own planet, and opening up new ways to ...

Troy Oakes

Eun-Hwa Kim.