Viena Abdon

Northern Lights: Origins, Locations, and Future Widespread Spectacle

The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, present a mesmerizing display of lights, painting the sky with hues of pink and pale green. This natural phenomenon results from the collision of charged particles from the Sun with Earth’s atmosphere, creating unpredictable light forms like patches, arcs, and shooting beams. Witnessing the Northern Lights ...

Viena Abdon

Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, seen in Lofoten Islands, Norway.

Motivating Your Teenager to Exercise: 13 Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Habits

Getting teenagers to exercise in today’s technologically advanced world might be difficult. Adolescents are naturally distracted by social media, video games, and school expectations, so getting them to exercise may often feel like an uphill fight.  On the other hand, establishing lifelong healthy habits in teenagers can pave the way for overall health. Encouraging them ...

Viena Abdon

Young women playing soccer.

Real-Life Origins: Disney’s Diverse Castle Inspirations Explored

Not only are Disney castles beautiful, but they often are essential to the story. But have you ever thought about the artists and even Walt Disney got their ideas? The castles in your favorite Disney movies are based on real castles, palaces, and even a well-known hotel. You can still visit the buildings and structures, ...

Viena Abdon

Neuschwanstein Castle.

Evergreens: The Symbol of Life During Christmas

Christmas is significant since it is a major religious holiday for Christians. This season is also a widely recognized secular holiday and a global source of enormous economic activity. As a result, Christmas has become one of the most celebrated holidays by billions of people worldwide.  Aside from that, people have always enjoyed decorating their ...

Viena Abdon

A boy and girl decorate a Christmas tree.

Choosing Hormone-Friendly Perfumes: 6 Essential Shopping Tips

As more people try to make better decisions for themselves and the environment, clean perfumes that don’t hurt hormones are becoming more popular. Most smells use artificial chemicals, but these use natural, non-toxic ingredients and avoid common allergens to keep skin problems to a minimum.  Hormone-friendly perfumes don’t use chemicals that mess with hormones because ...

Viena Abdon

Switching over to eco-friendly makeup products and habits can help greatly reduce environmental damage.

Conquering Exam Anxiety: Strategies for Testing Success

You’ve studied hard all semester, but as exam time comes, you start to feel the usual signs of exam anxiety. Your heart races, your palms sweat, your mind goes blank.  Exam anxiety affects almost everyone to some degree, but the good news is there are methods you can use to overcome these worries and perform ...

Viena Abdon

A student taking an exam.

Slimming Down the Facts: Dispelling Weight Loss Myths

At this time of year, many people are considering New Year’s resolutions to lose holiday weight and live healthier lives. There is much information about weight loss, though, and much of it is false.  This article will teach you the most common weight loss myths and give you expert advice to help you make intelligent ...

Viena Abdon

Asian woman standing on the scale at a doctor's office.

Crucial Dos and Don’ts for Achieving Success in Exams

Examinations constitute a fundamental aspect of a student’s academic trajectory. They can elicit a range of feelings, including tension and worry, as well as exhilaration and anticipation. Exam stress can be beneficial in moderation, but too much can harm performance and general well-being.  Nonetheless, it is feasible to manage exam stress well if you have ...

Viena Abdon

Taking an exam.

The Whys and Hows of Teenage Dating and Romance

At any age, one can feel the whole range of human emotions when they start dating and fall in love. The ups and downs can be dramatic throughout adolescence because everything is more extreme and happening for the first time. Love in adolescence can be a wild ride, with all the hormonal shifts and other ...

Viena Abdon

A young couple dating.

6 Essential Tips for Decoding Bone China

You’ve inherited a box of fine bone china from your grandmother. The cups and saucers are very pretty, but you don’t know how to care for them or if they’re valuable.  Before using them for afternoon tea, you should learn to spot and care for this valuable china. Read this article to become an expert ...

Viena Abdon

A bone china tea set.