Taiwan, Editor's Pick

The Otherworldly Charm of Tianliao Moon World in Taiwan

Located in Kaohsiung City’s Tianliao District, Tianliao Moon World (田寮月世界) is an expanse of undulating hills topped with jagged ridges and sharp peaks. This extraordinary landscape bears a striking resemblance to the lunar surface, characterized by its barren, undulating terrain and peculiar rock formations, hence earning the moniker “Moon World.” Please watch the following video for ...

Billy Shyu

Tianliao Bandland Moon World in Kaohsuing City.

8 Ways Gratitude Can Make Your Job More Meaningful and Rewarding

The COVID-19 pandemic marked a pivotal shift in global workplace dynamics, leading to a wave of resignations as employees re-evaluated their job satisfaction and sought environments where they felt more valued. This phenomenon, widely known as the Great Resignation, continues to influence corporate cultures and employee retention strategies. Recent research underscores the critical role of ...

Nathan Machoka

Words of gratitude and appreciation written on rocks sitting in the grass.

The Science of Happiness: How Generosity and Forgiveness Enrich Your Life

Have you ever wondered what truly brings happiness? It turns out that the secret to a healthier and more joyful life may lie in your ability to forgive and be generous. Let’s delve into the scientific evidence that supports these age-old virtues and discover how they can transform your life. The healing power of forgiveness ...

Max Lu

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

A Single Thought Can Determine Your Fate

In ancient China, people tirelessly endeavored to subdue unrighteous thoughts. They likened virtuous thoughts to the sun’s radiance, illuminating the self and others. In contrast, evil or unrighteous thoughts were viewed as dark clouds, shrouding one’s heart and casting shadows upon others. The ancients left behind many remarkable stories. 3 examples of virtuous thoughts 1. ...

Emma Lu

A man saluting the sun.

The Growing Trend of Plant-Based Meats: A Health-Conscious Choice

Many people worldwide are becoming increasingly concerned about their health and cautious of what they consume. People are moving away from animal meats to plant-based meats in their quest to stay healthy. Some people consume plant-based meats for ethical, religious, and health reasons, while others consume them purely by choice.  Recent research has underscored the potential ...

Nathan Machoka

Grilled soy burgers on a plate with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.

How to Hold People to Accountability While Empowering Them

Accountability is not just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of effective team management, ensuring that goals set with precision are met within the stipulated standards and deadlines. It’s the magical ingredient that propels teams toward success. For leaders, this means not only setting the stage with clear objectives, but also keeping a diligent eye on ...

Nathan Machoka

A business team meeting.

Understanding Loneliness: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies

Loneliness is a complex and all-encompassing feeling that individuals across all walks of life can experience, regardless of their age, gender, or cultural background. This pervasive issue is often misunderstood, with many people underestimating its impact and reach. The misconception that an extensive social network can shield one from loneliness is common, yet the reality ...

Viena Abdon

Woman sitting alone by a lake at dusk.

7 Evidence-Based Reasons to Learn Knitting and Crocheting

Crocheting and knitting are age-old crafts often associated with grandmas, winter evenings, and Christmas. But it doesn’t have to be so. Today, many studies have shown that the benefits of these crafts go beyond creating beautiful scarves, socks, winter hats, or throw blankets. These two skills are great tools for both mental and physical self-care. ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman knitting.

Lessons From Buyer’s Remorse

We are all guilty of splurging money on something we regretted buying later. Buyer’s remorse is natural and expected, especially after spending your hard-earned money on an item gathering dust in your home.  However, take heart — you’re not alone. According to a UK study with 2,490 respondents, 89 percent currently owned something they regretted ...

Nathan Machoka

A young woman holding a credit card and using a smartphone for online shopping.