Entertainment, Featured

Why You Should Encourage Children to Learn Musical Instruments

Too often, parents and school administrators view learning to play musical instruments much the way they do most arts education — as a supplemental or “optional” subject that helps to make students more well-rounded, but not as an essential component in school curricula. However, studies show that studying music not only supports good intellectual development ...

Armin Auctor

A child playing the piano.

Award-Winning Documentary ‘Eternal Spring’ Premiered in Melbourne, Honored With Top Prize

Canadian filmmaker Jason Loftus’ award-winning animated documentary Eternal Spring recently made its debut in Melbourne, Australia, where it played in packed theaters at the 8th Annual Melbourne Documentary Film Festival. After the initial shows sold out, the festival added encore screenings to its line-up.  Set in the northeastern city of Changchun in China’s Jilin Province, Eternal ...

Trisha Haddock

'Eternal Spring' animation.

The Movie ‘Unsilenced’ Premiers Across Taiwan

The award-winning international film Unsilenced was released in cinemas in Taiwan on August 12. Some have described it as the “Chinese version of Schindler’s List.” The film depicts current human rights issues in China. The story is an adaptation of actual life events in China during the summer of 1999. Since it could not be ...

Emma Lu

Leon Lee.

Impressionists’ Classical Music: The Legacy of Debussy and Ravel

Throughout much of the 18th and 19th centuries, classical music artists concentrated on emotional expression in their compositions. However, by the end of the 19th century, budding musicians like Debussy and Ravel, known as impressionists, were craving new and exciting ways of exploring their talents. Impressionism shook the music world from the 1890s to the ...

David Clapp

Impressionist painting by Claude Monet.

Classical Music in the 21st Century: A Musician’s Journey

The modern world loves the newest technologies, dancing crazes, and what’s happening on social media (trends). So it’s easy to see why so many people feel classical music is, in many ways, useless! However, with more music being produced now than ever and many artists deriving inspiration from classical compositions, this ancient art form is ...

Ratul Saha

Jaye Marsh with her flute.

Brahms and Why His Musical Legacy Is Still Important

Many musicians have attempted to carry forward the musical legacy of Beethoven, but their success has been varied. Johannes Brahms managed to emerge from Beethoven’s shadow and carve his own niche in music. However, he was not like his peers. He never had much fascination for opera and stayed away from delving into the realm ...

Jack Roberts

Johannes Brahms.

The Scandal of Arnold Schoenberg’s Skandalkonzert of 1913

You may have heard of mosh pits, places at concerts where fans can engage in an extreme form of dancing to express their enthusiasm for the aggressive music being performed. Critics argue that this behavior is angsty and highly risky, and it is not reminiscent of sincere love for music. Injuries are common and deaths ...

Viena Abdon

A caricature of the Skandalkonzert, with concertgoers fighting orchestra members and each other while the conductor waves his baton and police carry people out.

Memorial Day Songs to Salute Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice

Memorial Day is one of the most important days in the American calendar. Observed on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day honors the brave military men and women of America who sacrificed their lives while serving their country. People pay tributes to the courageous soldiers by visiting the cemetery and placing flags by their ...

Jack Roberts

An American flag in a cemetary.

‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Restores the Taiwanese and Japanese Flag Patches

Hollywood has chosen the U.S. over China after it responded to the outcry from fans who noticed the Taiwanese and Japanese flags were missing from the black bomber jacket worn by Tom Cruise’s character in the trailer of the movie Top Gun: Maverick. In the original Top Gun film, which premiered in 1986, Cruise’s navy pilot character ...

David Clapp

'Top Gun: Maverick' jacket.