
Cairns: An Ancient Tradition With a Modern Twist

Ever encountered a cairn on a trail? Don’t you want to know why people leave them or why they’re so important? Read this article to find out. What are cairns? Cairns are interesting things you might have stumbled on when on a trail. While they’re starting to gain popularity, they follow an ancient tradition dating ...

Mike West

A stone cairn in the Himalayas.

Theodore Roosevelt and the Speech That Stopped a Bullet

“Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.” These are the famous words of Theodore Roosevelt a few moments after he had survived certain death after being shot ...

Nathan Machoka

Portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt.

Ethical Emperor Kangxi Takes Responsibility for the Death of a Guard

Emperor Kangxi, named Xuan Ye, was the most legendary Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. This majestic Qing Emperor once issued a “self-crime edict” for the death of a guard. Does the following story highlight what happened? Xuan Ye came to the throne at age 8, took office at age 14, and established the territory of ...

Michael Segarty

Emperor Kangxi.

A Wooden Flying Machine Constructed in China 2,000 Years Ago

The world-famous Wright brothers are the inventors of the modern airplane, taking the first controlled flight on December 17, 1903. However, like something out of a science fiction or fantasy novel, a wooden flying machine already existed more than 2,000 years ago in China. The craftsman Lu Ban In ancient China, there were countless mysterious ...

Tatiana Denning

A wooden flying machine.

Florence Nightingale, the Lady With the Lamp

Florence Nightingale, a prominent British social reformer and statistician, was born on May 12, 1820. She is renowned as the creator of modern nursing and rose to fame as a nurse during the Crimean War, where she cared for wounded troops. She was given the name ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ due to her habit ...

Ratul Saha

Florence Nightingale.

The History of the First Washington Monument

The Washington Monument is a reminder of the power of a small community to collectively honor a great leader and of the spontaneous patriotism that a national hero can generate. The first memorial dedicated to the first President of the United States, George Washington, was built about 20 years before the more famous Washington Monument ...

Viena Abdon

The Washington Monument.

The Berlin Palace Reconstruction and Its Controversial Past

Many historic castles are left to die, fading into oblivion. But the reconstruction of the Stadtschloss (Berlin Palace) at the heart of Berlin has seen it resurrect from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix.   Acclaimed as the “largest cultural development in Europe,” the Berlin Palace has been renamed the Humboldt Forum Museum. The museum’s overarching ...

Nathan Machoka

The Humbolt Forum Museum.

Alexander the Great: Ruler of Courage

Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III of Macedonia or the ruler of most extraordinary courage, was a Macedonian monarch who overthrew the Persian empire, led Macedonian soldiers to India, and laid the framework for the Hellenistic world of territorial kingdoms. Having already been the subject of incredible legends during his lifetime, he became ...

Ratul Saha

Alexander the Great.