ancestor worship, ancient wisdom, beijing, chinese culture, chinese literature, chinese tradition, christianity, cultural bridge, cultural integration, lin yutang, philosophy, practical living, traditional values, western influence

Lin Yutang: Enlightenment and Return of Faith and Tradition (Part 2)

Chinese literature, already captivating in its own right, takes on a new dimension when interpreted by Lin Yutang. His magnum opus, the novel Beijing Memories, narrates an authentic Chinese story in impeccable English. Notably, his English biographies on Empress Wu Zetian and Su Dongpo are equally celebrated. His books My Country and My People and ...

Mikel Davis

Statue of Lin Yutang outdoors in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China.

Lin Yutang: Enlightenment and Return of Faith and Tradition (Part 1)

In the late 19th century, in the town of Banzi in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, there was a notable figure named Lin Zhicheng. A priest by vocation, Lin was often seen ascending to the top of the church. There, he would raise the cross a little higher using steel bars imported from the U.S. Or, at ...

Mikel Davis

Black and white photo of Lin Yutang.

A Mysterious Illness: Uncovering the Consequences of Past Actions

In the early 1990s, a true story unfolded, revealing the strange illness that plagued senior official Mr. Zhang. His condition remained undiagnosed despite seeking medical help for years, and his health deteriorated. It wasn’t until a renowned spiritual master entered the picture that the truth behind his illness was uncovered. This article explores the fascinating ...

Max Lu

Colored clouds in the sky.

Tolerance and Tact: Tales of Eastern Wisdom

Eastern tales, whether from China or Japan, often share deep wisdom through simple stories. These timeless lessons still resonate today. Here are two tales that highlight the value of wisdom and tact. The Zen Master’s reply Along a street lined with cherry blossom trees in Japan, opposite a temple, there was a flower shop. One ...

Mikel Davis

Snow owl winking.

5 Legendary Dreams of Chinese Folklore

Throughout China’s vast folklore, there are five dreams that have become household tales. These legendary narratives, passed down from ancient times, offer profound insights into the realities of life. The dream of yellow millet During the Tang Dynasty, there was a sage named Lü Weng. In his travels, he came across a young man named ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man in ancient Chinese robes taking a nap while a dragon swirls over his head in a misty cloud.

The Accuracy of Fortune-Telling: How Fate Can Be Altered by Good Deeds

Is fortune-telling accurate? This question has sparked different opinions for ages. Why do some fortune-tellers get their predictions right, while others miss the mark? What are the factors that determine the accuracy of fortune-telling? The following tale might just enlighten you. Xue Er’s fortune During the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous face reader in ...

Mikel Davis

A tree covered with spring blossoms next to West Lake in Hangzhou, China.

Ancient Chinese Techniques Used to Detect Lying During Trials

Modern-day lie detectors were non-existent in ancient China. So what were the techniques used to detect lying during trials back then? The following are some clever examples of exposing who was lying. Comparing the whistleblower’s letters to obtain the truth During the Tang Dynasty (566-635), Li Jing served as an inspector in Qizhou. Someone had ...

Michael Segarty

A judge's gavel.