Cranberry juice is a popular drink known for its tangy taste and vibrant color. Beyond its flavor, it …
blood pressure
Science Unmasked
Why the WHO Has Recommended Switching to a Healthier Salt Alternative
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe World Health Organization (WHO) has released new guidelines recommending people switch the regular salt they use at …
8 Benefits of Smiling: Science Confirms Even ‘Forced Smiles’ Work
by Max Luby Max LuHow long has it been since you had a good laugh? Numerous studies have confirmed that smiling can …
While the saying “life lies in movement” is true, aside from sweating and an accelerated heartbeat improving bodily …
If you’re one of the one in three Australians whose New Year’s resolution involved losing weight, be working …
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a common risk factor for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular …
Vinegar is a condiment most people are familiar with. It has many nutrients, such as the eight essential amino …
Eating kelp can help lower the “three highs.” The three highs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are high …
Celery is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents, and it …
Upper Body Movement While Walking Is the Key to Lower Blood Pressure
by Helen Londonby Helen LondonMost lifestyle-related diseases can be improved through exercise, especially walking. Conventional thinking says that walking 8,000-10,000 steps a …