In a world where the fast pace of modern life often overshadows the plight of the less fortunate, …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
More than 2,000 years ago, Mencius said: “A family that passes down virtue will last for more than …
In November 1970, a 16-year-old girl named Zhao Ruoxi, who had grown up in a bustling Chinese metropolis, …
Fan Chunren was the second son of the renowned Northern Song statesman Fan Zhongyan. As prime minister of …
Human RightsEditor's Pick
Uyghur Cultural Identity Amid Han Chinese Dominance
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonThe Uyghur people who live in Xinjiang are at a critical point as they try to deal with …
Human RightsEditor's Pick
Exploring the Complexities of Organ Transplantation Regulations in China
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonOrgan transplantation regulations in China have been intensely scrutinized and debated in recent years. As the country strives …
TechnologyEditor's Pick
An AI-driven Influence Operation Is Spreading Pro-China Propaganda Across YouTube
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA recent investigation from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) has revealed an extensive network of YouTube channels …
An Unforgettable Encounter: A Tale of Wolves and Soldiers in the Snow
by Max Luby Max LuImagine being stuck in the snow, surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves. Sounds like a chilling scene …
PoliticsEditor's Pick
From Viral Fame to Political Game: Beijing’s Use of Foreign Influencers Unveiled
by Rory Karstenby Rory KarstenSocial media influencers are a product of our times. Many of them fit into a niche like lifestyle, …
Human RightsEditor's Pick
Zhao Jiuzhang: The Father of China’s Satellites and His Tragic End
by Max Luby Max LuZhao Jiuzhang, a renowned Chinese meteorologist, geophysicist, and space physicist is hailed as the ‘Father of Chinese Satellites.’ …