china, chinese espionage, christopher-wray, cybersecurity, fake news, fbi, tech thief

FBI: China Is the Biggest Tech Thief

Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, has pointed to China as the single biggest law enforcement threat and tech thief facing the United States and warned that Beijing was seeking to acquire American technology through any means necessary. He was speaking at a conference held by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in ...

Jack Roberts

The FBI emblem.

The Rise of Foreign Cybersecurity Threats

The U.S. government, telecommunications providers, and operating system (OS) developers may need to address cybersecurity and privacy threats from adversarial countries such as China and Russia. These threats are commonly centered on intellectual property (IP), telecommunications, smartphones, tablet PCs, connected products, Internet of Things (IoT)/industrial IoT (IIoT) devices, and PCs that use Android, Apple iOS, ...

Armin Auctor

Cybersecurity threats.

Angela Merkel Quits Facebook as Hacking Scandal Continues

The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has quit the social media platform Facebook. Her decision comes on the back of a massive hacking attempt in the country in which the private information of hundreds of German lawmakers was compromised. Logging out of Facebook “Today is the day on which I would like to thank you ...

Nspirement Staff

Smiling Angela Merkel.

Huawei CEO Wants You to Believe What He Says Instead of What He Does

As an international boycott of Huawei continues, the Huawei CEO has come forward and held a press conference to declare that they will never hand over any customer data to the Chinese government under any circumstances. However, many experts are not convinced by the official statements given that Beijing’s intelligence laws warn that companies unwilling ...

Nspirement Staff

United States Fighting Back Against Chinese Hackers

In December 2018, the United States government charged two Chinese nationals for a hacking attempt aimed at stealing sensitive information from at least 45 American tech companies. The Chinese hackers, who are part of a hacking group known as APT10, even targeted the NASA Goddard Space Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The charges are likely ...

Nspirement Staff


Microsoft Blames the Government for WannaCry

WannaCry ransomware, which caused havoc in the summer of 2017, is a computer virus that infected and spread across 150 countries. According to Forbes, it affected the systems of 48 UK National Health Services centers, FedEx, Telefonica, Renault and Nissan plants, American universities, Russian government systems, and even Chinese ATMs. The WannaCry ransomware infects a ...

Armin Auctor

A ransomware-infected computer.