Stars are born from huge clouds of mostly hydrogen gas floating in space. Astronomers like me study this …
new discoveries
A Cosmic ‘Speed Camera’ Just Revealed the Staggering Speed of Neutron Star Jets
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesHow fast can a neutron star drive powerful jets into space? The answer, it turns out, is about …
How stable are planetary systems? Will Earth and its seven siblings always continue in their steady celestial paths, …
What Ended the ‘Dark Ages’ in the Early Universe — Solving the Mystery
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesAbout 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the cosmos was a very dark place. The glow of the …
Our Brains Take Rhythmic Snapshots of the World as We Walk – And We Never Knew
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesFor decades, psychology departments worldwide have studied human behavior in darkened laboratories that restrict natural movements, such as …
We Found Spectacular Australian Plant Fossils From 30 Million Years Ago
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThe Australian continent is now geologically stable. But volcanic rocks, lava flows, and a contemporary landscape dotted with …
We Discovered 2 New Australian Native Mammals — The First of Their Kind This Century
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesAustralia can lay claim to two new native mammal species, which were discovered as part of our collaborative …
An article published this week in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine documents what is believed to be the …
Ice Ages Were Not as Dry as We Thought, According to Surprising New Australian Cave Study
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesDuring ice ages, dry, frozen terrain extended over much of northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Many plants …
Banksias Are Iconic Australian Plants, but Their Ancestors Came From North Africa
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesFew plants conjure up the Australian bush better than banksias, whose beautiful flowers are irresistible to honeyeater birds, …