dreams, lucid dreaming

Have You Ever Experienced Lucid Dreaming?

A lucid dream is described as a type of dream where the individual dreaming is, in fact, aware that they’re asleep in their physical form yet still awake mentally. It has been said that individuals can even control the narrative of their dreams while in this state of dreaming.  I find the concept of lucid ...

Katrina Hicks

A door opens into an outdoor landscape with the moon shining over water.

Dreams: Do They Mean More?

Dreaming occurs during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) cycle of sleep. During this period, your eyes move quickly around in different directions. REM sleep usually occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. As the brain is also more active during this time, dreams can range from mild to intense.  It is said that a dream is a ...

Katrina Hicks

Little girl travelling through dream world, floating on a big fallen leaf.

Do Mammals Dream About the World Before They Are Even Born?

According to the findings of a new Yale University study, it seems mammals dream about the world even before their birth. Mammals, at the time of birth, can understand the visual information they receive from the world around them to an extent. It seems rather amazing given the fact that such an animal is witnessing ...

Armin Auctor

Field Mouse on a brick terrace with little paw up and looking directly at the camera.

Luca Gentile: The Boy Who Wanted To Fly

Some children have a clear idea about who they want to be in life. Luca Gentile, born and raised in Rome, Italy, was one of them — and he wanted to fly. From a very early age, Luca knew he was going to be a pilot and travel the world. He recalls that when he ...

Laura Cozzolino

Luca Gentile in a plane cockpit.

Remarkable Event in the Life of the Great Emperor Kangxi (Part 1)

The Great Emperor Kangxi was one of the longest-reigning emperors during China’s Qing Dynasty. He came to the throne at the age of 7 and took charge of all affairs by the age of 14. Having a very eventful and accomplished life, he passed away at the age of 69. His 61-year reign (1661-1722) was one of ...

Michael Segarty

The young Kangxi Emperor.

How Dreams Predicted the Fall and Rise of Zhou Bida

To understand the significance of dreams in ancient China and how they were interpreted and used to guide or validate the path a person was on, one must first understand how ancient Chinese viewed dreams. According to the ancient Chinese, we humans have a soul that consists of two components. One, which is more physically oriented ...

Hermann Rohr

11 Strange Facts About Dreams

There are plenty of strange facts about dreams on the Internet, but while these are a natural part of sleeping, it’s surprising that many things about them and their purpose remain unknown. Are your dreams warning you of your future, or are they just the outcome of your daily routine? Some dreams are so vivid ...

Troy Oakes