Everyone believes drugs are addictive and once you start taking them, after a certain period you’ll become subject …
According to federal health authorities, fentanyl has been responsible for more than 37,000 deaths in the United States …
The Breaking Bad movie El Camino‘s storyline focusing on drug production is more relevant than ever — with …
Cannabis Spread Across the Early Silk Road in the First Millennium B.C.
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA chemical residue study of incense burners from ancient burials at high elevations in the Pamir Mountains of …
Sixty-nine pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in stream insects, some at concentrations that may threaten animals that feed …
Scientists have found that drugs are now so prevalent that 13 percent of those taking part in a …
The China-made drug fentanyl has killed thousands of Americans in the past several years. In response, President Donald …