Anger is more than an emotional outburst; it can cause significant harm to your body. Ancient Chinese medicine …
emotional health
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine emphasize the importance of lung health, especially during the autumn season. …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
Life Wisdom: The Less Your Temper, the Greater Your Blessings
by Emma Luby Emma LuLife is precious. Every moment is a gift. So when you can ignore something, control your temper and …
In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to unwind is more crucial than ever. Psychologists define relaxation techniques as …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
Hug Therapy: Saving a Premature Baby Through Your Embrace
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonCaring for a premature infant can be quite a challenge not only for the baby himself but also …
Mind & SpiritFeatured
True Rest for Renewal: Solutions to Relieve Fatigue and Boost Energy
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisFeeling perpetually fatigued despite a full night’s sleep? This common conundrum often stems from the brain not achieving …
Gathering for a movie night with the family is a simple yet delightful bonding activity that everyone from …
Motivating Your Teenager to Exercise: 13 Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Habits
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonGetting teenagers to exercise in today’s technologically advanced world might be difficult. Adolescents are naturally distracted by social …
Self ImprovementEditor's Pick
Revisiting Childhood Dreams for Personal Growth
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonIn the secret depths of our childhood memories, we all harbor dreams that once sparked our imagination and …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
Practical Strategies for Handling Chronic Complainers in Your Life
by Mike Westby Mike WestManaging relationships with chronic complainers can be an arduous task. Such individuals seem to find faults even in …