belief in the divine, destiny, divine plan, fate, fortune-telling, personal transformation, spiritual growth

The Divine Plan in Life: How Fortune-Telling Guided a Skeptic to Faith

In many cultures, fortune-telling is viewed with skepticism, often dismissed as mere superstition. Yet, the journey from skepticism to a belief that the divine takes a hand in orchestrating our lives, as experienced by an individual, offers a unique perspective on how unexpected encounters can profoundly alter beliefs. This story unfolds against the backdrop of ...

Max Lu

The fresco 'The Eternal in Glory' by Luigi Garzi (1685) in the apse of Cybo chapel in church Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy.

How Filial Piety Can Change One’s Fate

In ancient Chinese history, many people emphasized righteousness and filial piety and inspired the people around them to cultivate themselves and practice righteousness. Here are two stories about filial piety that changed people’s destinies. Zhao Zi’s filial piety transformed a group of robbers During the Han Dynasty (202 B.C. – A.D. 8), a man named ...

David Jirard

A robber with a knife.

Understanding Ancient Wisdom: Predetermined Wealth in Your Destiny

Ancient wisdom states: “What is destined to come will come, and what is not cannot be forced.” The amount of wealth a person is destined to have is predetermined. Only through earnest effort and the accumulation of virtue can one’s destined wealth increase. Accumulating goodness for wealth Often, personal calculations are insignificant in the face ...

Mikel Davis

Stacks of coins getting progressively higher are lined up with an old-fashioned key.

The Grape and the Monk: An Ancient Parable on Shaping One’s Destiny

Throughout history, tales have been told to illuminate the deeper truths of our existence, to guide us when we feel lost, and to remind us of the power that lies within. Such is the ancient parable of Defu, whose name symbolizes fortune, but whose life was marked by anything but. Through an unexpected encounter with ...

Mikel Davis

Two hands holding purple grapes.

Yanzi: A Statesman Who Used Wisdom to Resolve Difficult Situations (Part 2)

As discussed in Part 1, Yanzi was a famous statesman, philosopher, and diplomat of Qi during China’s Spring and Autumn Period. He is known for his great wisdom in handling complex and seemingly impossible situations.  Providing for those who are suffering A person’s good words and deeds are worthy of praise and encourage others to ...

Tatiana Denning

Two turtles representing wisdom.

Changing Destiny Through Virtue: The Legacy of Dou Yanshan

Is it possible for a person to change their destiny? This is an age-old question. A sentence in the ancient Chinese text Three Character Classic mentions: “Dou Yanshan, a model of virtue, taught his five sons well, leaving behind a legacy.” Today, we delve into the transformative story of Dou Yanshan, a man who rewrote his ...

Emma Lu

Illustration of cranes and butterflies in a forest landscape.

Is Marriage Coincidental or a Predestined Arrangement?

In today’s world, many believe that choosing a life partner boils down to mere chance or random encounters. But is marriage truly the result of a simple twist of fate? Or could there be a predestined arrangement at work? The DNA connection To explore this idea, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder conducted ...

Tatiana Denning

Silhouette of a bride and groom dancing.

A Grandfather Kills Over a Debt, and His Grandsons Pay for His Crime

If one kills a person or steals, karma will require payment either now or in the future. Please read the following story of how retribution is meted out for past crimes. During the Song Dynasty, a villager named Feng Si in Fuzhou in what is now eastern Jiangxi Province, whose family was too poor to ...

Max Lu

The wheel of karma.