In November 1970, a 16-year-old girl named Zhao Ruoxi, who had grown up in a bustling Chinese metropolis, …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
How Effective Is Fear as a Teaching Tool? How and What Do We Learn When We Are Scared?
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesMany of us remember vividly being yelled at or feeling fear from a family member, a teacher, or …
Self ImprovementFeatured
Mastering the Storm: 7 Coping Strategies for Thunderstorms
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonThe dark clouds gather, and thunder rumbles in the distance. Your heart starts to race as the storm …
You’re not alone if you’ve ever felt paralyzed by fear or worry. Many of us, if not all, …
In the heart of Jiangsu, nestled by the Huai River, lived a man named Zhao. He was the …
When fear becomes central to your intellect, it may feel like your life revolves around one center. However, …
Fear and insecurity can eat you up if you don’t deal with them. Because it is primarily an …
Happiness is politicians who don’t fear assassination, and protesters who don’t fear suppression. The rich have no fear …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
Fear of War Researcher: Too Much Fear Can Make You Ill
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorThe war between Russia and Ukraine goes on, despite the rounds of peace talks between politicians of the …
Are you feeling anxious and stressed out? Do you feel like you’re constantly in fight-or-flight mode? If so, …