cherish blessings, gratitude, heavenly rule, virtue

The ‘Heavenly Rule’ Is More Accurate Than Fortune Telling

Why do so many people die at a young age these days? Why do some people meet with misfortune just when it seems everything is going so well for them? Many people seek money, power, and fame but these things are not easily found or kept. The reason is the heavenly rule: blessings are bestowed on the virtuous. There was a ...

Emma Lu

Back view portrait of a satisfied woman raising arms and watching the sky sitting on the grass.

Complaining: Stop Pouring Water Into Your Own Shoes

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young man who was very talented. He studied hard for the provincial exams and passed on his first attempt which qualified him for an official government position. However, there were many more people qualified than there were available positions and there was no way of telling how long ...

Kathy McWilliams

A pair of hiking boots sitting beside a lake.

6 Treasures Parents Should Leave Their Children

Most parents want to leave money to their children once they are gone. However, there are six non-material treasures that they should leave them with as cultivating character is worth more than money or material success.  6 treasures worth more than money 1. Family affection Spending time with family and showing love through everyday actions ...

Max Lu

Young mother standing by a crib reading to her daughter from a picturebook.

Unconditional Love, Along With Discipline, Produces Children of Gratitude

“Young people today are so ungrateful!” is a statement heard throughout society today. The question we all should be asking ourselves is why are we producing children who show no gratitude? It is easy to look outside ourselves and place blame on others, but how often do we look at ourselves as parents and adults ...

Monica Song

Happy family playing together.

Tapping Into the Power of Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been promoted for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness in improving overall health. They suggest that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from ...

Sheridan Genrich

Grateful young woman with her hands to her heart standing outdoors in an town square smiling up to the sky.

5 Ways to Nurture Children to Develop Gratitude

Parents can be selfless, but they must not allow their children to be selfish. As the old saying goes: “A drop of grace should be repaid with a spring of water.” Gratitude is the most basic cultivation of a human being. Let your child learn to care and help your child learn to be grateful, which is conducive ...

Helen London

Laughing father and son.

Light the Lamp of Gratitude: 2 Inspiring Tales

Gratitude is good for business and its benefits come in all manner of unexpected ways. In the west end of the village where Mr. Chen lives, there is a merchant from Henan who runs a tofu business. The merchant is famous for giving folks who buy his tofu every morning a free bowl of bean ...

Tatiana Denning

A Chinese lamp on a blooming tree.

The Missing Tile Syndrome and the Art of Happiness

The tendency of humans to focus on slight imperfections is called the “Missing Tile Syndrome,” which is a term coined by Dennis Prager in his thought-provoking book Happiness is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. Of all the barriers blocking us from leading happy lives, our own human nature stands the tallest. Even though ...

Sofia Roma

Hand-painted tiles.

The Myth of Sisyphus Decoded

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the son of King Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete. He was the founder and the first king of Ephyra (the glorious city of Corinth). The various and multiple accounts of this story, called the Myth of Sisyphus, portray him as being a cunning and selfish ruler who mocked and killed travelers and guests, mistreated women, ...

Sofia Roma

A statue of Sisyphus at the Acropolis in Greece.