anti-cancer, diabetes, green tea, heart and brain health

4 Reasons Why Green Tea Is Great for Your Body

Over the past decade, the demand for green tea in the West has ballooned thanks to the widespread acknowledgment of its health benefits. Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, it not only nourishes the body but also helps ward off diseases. The main reason why it has so many more health benefits than black tea is ...

Raven Montmorency

A teapot and glass of green tea.

12 Dietary Habits for a Long Life

Everyone hopes to live a long and healthy life. To find the secrets of longevity, U.S. researchers studied the dietary habits of people living in areas where the lifespan is exceptionally long. From examining the diets of healthy elderly people in these regions, they identified the following 12 key dietary habits for long life. 12 ...

Emma Lu

Veggies from your garden.

Which Chinese Tea Is Best for You?

There are many types of Chinese tea, each with unique tastes and health-enhancing properties. Here are some benefits and practical uses of five common teas made from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green Tea Made from Camellia sinensis leaves, green tea has potent antioxidants called catechins, which help eliminate free radicals responsible for DNA damage. Because ...

Raven Montmorency

Loose Chinese Tea Leaves on a table

9 Summer Foods to Beat the Heat

Chinese believe that the hottest days in summer easily cause discomfort and chronic ailments. Consuming certain summer foods ahead of such periods, however, can counteract this and prepare the body for combat. 9 summer foods for hot days 1. Mung beans Summer is the season for eating more summer foods like fruits and vegetables. Mung ...

Emma Lu

Dragon fruit cut in half.