aprictos, coconut, hazelnuts, honey, nut, peppermint, pomegranate, protein balls, recipes, sultanas

Healthy Protein Ball Recipe With No Sugar, and They Taste Delightful!

Healthy Protein Balls are a great choice for getting away from treats that have too much sugar. Today, many people are becoming aware of the health problems that come from eating too many processed foods that have high sugar content. Processed sugar is used in foods as a sweetener, of course, in order to make products ...

Trisha Haddock

Healthy Protein Balls made from cocoa, coconut, hazelnut, dates, passionfruit, walnuts that are compressed into small balls with peppermint leaves as decoration on some, others are rolled in shredded coconut and there are a few decorated with red pomegranate pips, displayed on a blue square plate.

12 Kinds of Food That Have a Long Shelf Life

 Most people do not go out as much during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have stocked up with food and medicine at home. There are several emergency food items you can depend on for a rainy day that can be stored for long periods without fear of expiration. 12 foods with a long shelf life 1. ...

Emma Lu

Canned foods.

Foods That Nourish You in Autumn

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 7 marks the end of summer and the start of autumn this year. That means you should eat in accordance with the seasons to nourish your yin energy and replenish moisture. Dryness easily harms the lungs in autumn Lai Ruixin, Director of Han Ming Tang Clinic of Traditional ...

Emma Lu


Lee Sang Gap: From Poor Village Boy to Honey Mogul

There is an old saying that “fortune favors the bold.” Those who strive harder than others are destined for success. Korean honey mogul Lee Sang Gap was once a poor village boy. But with his resilient character, innovative mind, honesty, and hard work, he managed to go from rags to riches. The story of his ...

Max Lu

A beekeeper tending hives.