businessman, china, coin, honesty, integrity, temple of fortune, tribulation, wealth

A God-Sent Magic Coin Made a Man Rich

Not long ago in China, a young man was honest and good at math and writing. He knew how to do business well and had saved up some money. Unfortunately, bad luck followed, which made him lose all the coins he had earned. He ended up wandering the streets and destitute. One night, he was ...

Emma Lu

A few Chinese yuan coins.

Guiding Integrity: The Upright and Honest Advisors of Ancient China

In ancient China’s history, wisdom and integrity were paramount virtues. Rulers often sought counsel when faced with perplexing matters, including unsettling dreams and omens. Those endowed with good character, like Yan Zi and Gongsun Sheng, diligently fulfilled their duties, prioritizing their responsibilities over personal gain or safety. Yan Zi’s wise counsel and integrity Duke Jing ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of a man dressed in the robes of an ancient Chinese official.

Priceless Morality: The Finnish Belief in Honesty

The Finnish people are renowned for their honesty. A global “honesty test” conducted by Reader’s Digest in 16 cities worldwide, where wallets containing 1,400 euros, family photos, and contact details were intentionally dropped in busy streets, revealed that the people of Helsinki, Finland’s capital, were the most honest. Out of 12 wallets, 11 were returned ...

Max Lu

A man waving a Finnish flag.

The Golden Basin: A Tale of Honesty Vs. Greed

Deep in the annals of ancient Indian folklore lies a story that resonates through time, encapsulating the eternal struggle of honesty versus greed. This fable speaks to the core of human values and the consequences of our choices. It revolves around a young merchant, his uncle, and a seemingly ordinary object that holds extraordinary value ...

Max Lu

Illustrated map of India.

Japanese Integrity

A foreigner on a recent business trip to Japan suddenly thought: “The integrity of Japanese people is said to be the highest in the world today. I’ve got to try to find out how high it is.” He placed  200 yen of coins on a public bench and waited for the result. The 200 yen ...

Emma Lu

Downtown Tokyo, Japan.

Integrity Above All: 3 Stories of Ancient China’s Upright Officials

In the annals of Chinese history, the legacy of integrity and righteousness has been long cherished and revered. Tales of principled officials who stood firm in the face of temptation and upheld the virtues of ethical governance have been passed down through generations, serving as moral compasses for both the rulers and the ruled. These ...

Emma Lu

Liu Tongxun.

The Power of Integrity: A Lesson from Kansas City

In the suburbs of Kansas City, an incident sparked a national uproar that left a lasting impression on the importance of integrity. The incident began with a high school teacher’s resignation, triggered by her students’ lack of honesty. This event led to a series of societal reactions highlighting the significance of integrity, especially in the ...

Max Lu

Lockers in a high school hallway.

Chess and Character: How the Game Reveals One’s True Nature

Character is the foundation upon which we stand in the world. Those of poor character often resort to opportunistic shortcuts and lack sincerity. Let’s delve into some stories of how ancient people discerned character through the game of chess. Wang Anshi: Chess and character Wang Anshi, a renowned official from the Northern Song Dynasty, was ...

Max Lu

Close up shot of the pieces sitting on a chess board.

The Tale of Wang Gongchen: The Honest Scholar of the Song Dynasty

In the annals of history, countless examples of individuals have risen from humble beginnings to achieve great things. One such person is Wang Gongchen, a scholar from the Song Dynasty whose story of honesty and integrity continues to inspire even today.  Wang Gongchen’s early life Born into a poor family, Wang Gongchen lost his father ...

Max Lu

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, by the Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Guangwang (1269 - 1354)., Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), ink on paper hand scroll.

Timeless Lessons: Parables on Business and Integrity

In the realm of business, challenges and ethical dilemmas often go hand in hand. Success isn’t just measured by profits or growth, but also by the values and principles that guide a company through these challenges. The tales that follow offer profound insights into the importance of integrity, the hidden value in demanding situations, and ...

Emma Lu

A group of smiling businesspeople.