Why is doing more to touch customers considered the best marketing strategy? First and foremost, it is crucial …
10 Key Psychological Principles in Marketing that Evoke Consumer Behavior
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrThe world today is quickly evolving, especially technologically and economically. Therefore, understanding consumer behavior and the psychological principles …
Self ImprovementEditor's Pick
The Timeless Marketing Wisdom of Joe Girard: Lessons from the World’s Greatest Salesman
by Max Luby Max LuIn the fast-paced world of technology and constant innovation, it’s easy to overlook the timeless principles that have …
Spam might not have brought an end to the internet or email, as some dire predictions in the …
3 Ways Companies Influence Your Subconscious in Advertising
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorAdvertising is a promotional activity that aims to sell a product or service to a target audience. It …
A large company was looking to expand, so they hired a marketing director. Many people responded to the …
I learned a long time ago to listen to my inner voice. It is a warm summer day …
Social media brought with it a new form of marketing — influencer marketing by teen influencers. An influencer …
A big percentage of Americans believe that climate change will end up being disastrous for the world. According …