Too often, parents and school administrators view learning to play musical instruments much the way they do most …
Everyone knows that goldfish have a “three-second memory,” don’t they? However, this seems to be a case of …
Everyone knows that goldfish have a “three-second memory” don’t they? After all, it’s a common joke when someone …
You may have watched the critically acclaimed movie Rain Man and loved the character played by Dustin Hoffman; …
When you practice mindfulness, you are practicing the art of creating space for yourself: freedom to think, room …
New Research Shows Diabetes Takes a Toll on Your Brain Too
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesResearchers are finding more and more evidence that diabetes not only takes a toll on the body, it also takes …
There are a lot of brain myths that you probably hear all the time, and simply take for granted …
What, if any, are the drawbacks or benefits of eating eggs? An egg is considered to be one …
Coffee is a favorite beverage for many people, especially office workers, who may drink it regularly every day. …
I learned early on how plants benefit health. I can still picture it. It was like walking into …