Octopuses are not only wonderfully strange, but they are also intellectually fascinating. These boneless, shape-morphing, and color-changing creatures …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
Harnessing the Power of Meditation: A Neuroscientist’s Insight
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisIn a TED Talk, a renowned neuroscientist shared her personal experience with meditation. She revealed that after practicing …
An Amazing Brain-Computer Interface That Converts Thoughts Into Text Messages
by Jack Robertsby Jack RobertsAdvanced brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are being developed and these may make it possible to restore normalcy in people …
Buddhist Monks Show That Meditation Can Alter Brain Structure
by Jack Robertsby Jack RobertsFor most of the last century, the human brain was considered by psychologists to be unchangeable. However, their …