ephedra, herbalist, patience, traditional chinese medicine, wisdom

It Takes Patience to Succeed

You are typically taught patience is a virtue from a very young age. Few people, though, are taught or demonstrated how to be patient. Being patient is something you choose to do; it’s not something you are not born with. The more you exercise patience, the more tolerant you become, just like any other discipline ...

Viena Abdon

A woman showing patience.

Habits that Help Cultivate Patience

Right from childhood, we have been told about good habits and virtues that we must follow. Among the many practices we are meant to develop, patience is essential. Many people consider it to be a superpower. There are many phases in our life that we need this quality to sail through. We know that things ...

Jack Roberts

Blocks on a wall spelling patience.patience

Your State of Mind Impacts Your Health

Scientists have observed that our moral state of mind affects our health. For example, people who lack patience age faster while people with a loving heart tend to be healthier, and honest people are even better off. Your state of mind impacts aging The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published a study in January ...

Emma Lu

Man holding helium-filled balloons at the beach in the shape of a heart.

The Price to Pay for Misunderstanding Can Be Very Great

People are usually motivated by good intentions, and seldom is there any question about it. On the other hand, blaming, accusing, jumping to conclusions, and misunderstanding someone’s motives and intentions can bring disastrous consequences. The following eye-opening story related by a lady is such a scenario, with an interesting outcome. I am a person with ...

Michael Segarty

Woman who has arrived home from work.

A Better You: Why Haste Is No Good

Many times in their lives, people make decisions in haste and then end up regretting their choices. Taking some time to carefully consider the consequences of your actions will ensure that long-term troubles will no longer be much of a concern. The pitfall of acting in haste According to an estimate, a shopper makes a ...

Raven Montmorency

Keep cool.

2 Stories of Wisdom

In life, being able to remain calm is not only a kind of wisdom, but also a kind of resilience. Learning to keep calm is a valuable asset. It will let you see that once the stormy sea and dark clouds appear in front of you, anxiety and distress not only do nothing to help ...

Audrey Wang

Sailing on a calm lake.

The Value of Patience

Patience is a strong quality that is often underestimated and for many extremely difficult to have. It is one of those attributes that can come naturally to some and is acquired with training and self-awareness by others. What does it mean to be patient and why is it so critical? While at a café chatting ...

Laura Cozzolino

Rocks stacked on top of each other.

Good Deeds Will Be Rewarded If One Has Patience

Receiving rewards for good deeds is not always obvious. A long, long time ago in a village in China, a wealthy man had a young handyman working in his house. This young handyman was kind, hardworking, liked to help others, and had almost no bad habits. He started working for the wealthy man at a ...

Helen London

He decided to use his salary to build a bridge for the villagers who were struggling to cross the river.