daily habits, happiness tips, interpersonal skills, life hacks, life improvement, mental health, mindfulness, personal growth, positivity, self-care, well-being

20 Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Every day, you engage in routines that shape your future. As Aristotle wisely stated: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” You lay the foundation for a fulfilling and happy life by fostering small, positive habits. Below are 20 simple but powerful habits that can help you ...

Emma Lu

Dandelion fluff being blown in the wind.

15 Things to Be Thankful for in Your Life

It’s easy to become caught in the whirlwind of tension and negativity in the rush of modern life. Feeling depressed and stressed is a regular occurrence, stemming from both personal issues and hard work commitments.  However, cultivating a mindset of being glad and thankful for what you have can shift your perspective and bring light ...

Viena Abdon

A beach sand patch with the words Thank you! written into it symbolizes the grateful spirit that Christmastime evokes.

Harnessing the Power of Thoughts: The Impact of Placebo and Nocebo Effects

In the medical field, we often hear about the placebo effect, but we rarely consider the potential power of the nocebo effect. Just as positive thoughts and beliefs can profoundly impact your well-being, negative thoughts and beliefs can also influence your health and even your lifespan. The case of Sam Land In 1974, there was ...

Max Lu

Dramatic-looking storm clouds with rain and lightning.

The Power of Encouragement and Faith: Turning Struggles Into Triumphs

An old saying goes: “Kind words can bring warmth that lasts for three winters, while harsh words can chill even in the heat of summer.” Comforting and exhorting words are always beneficial; a single word of encouragement can change a person’s mindset, behavior, and perhaps even their destiny. The following two stories showcase the profound ...

Max Lu

Four books stacked on a wooden surface, each one with one of the words to the phrase 'success is one step away.'

Practical Strategies for Handling Chronic Complainers in Your Life

Managing relationships with chronic complainers can be an arduous task. Such individuals seem to find faults even in the most perfect circumstances. Their persistent negativity can profoundly affect personal and professional environments, dampening morale, heightening stress levels, and stifling progress. Who are chronic complainers? Chronic complainers express their dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration persistently, often tainting ...

Mike West

Girl complaining or having an angry conversation with her friend.

Endurance: Everything You Need to Know to Build It

Endurance is often overlooked as a vital aspect of life, yet it is one of the most important qualities that one can possess. It is the ability to persist through challenging situations and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. While not as glamorous as strength or knowledge, endurance is equally important, if ...

Mike West

Confident, smiling woman looking up as she stands in front of tall buildings on a city street.

6 Key Practices to Stop Being a Victim

Life isn’t fair, and most of the time, you find yourself the victim of particular circumstances. Will you allow it to swallow you, or will you learn how to bounce back stronger than you were? Becoming a victim of something is difficult, traumatic, and often unjust. If you don’t want it to take control of ...

Mike West
