how to be a good parent, raising children, success in life, successful children

How to Raise Successful Children

Quan has six children — four sons and two daughters. All six of her children have doctoral degrees from either Harvard or Yale, and each of them holds a position of great responsibility. She has been named “The First Mother In Korea,” and she has astonished the world by raising such successful children. Quan Hui-Xing was ...

Raven Montmorency

A couple with their young children.

7 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Listen

There is nothing more frustrating than a child who will not listen. It can be challenging to motivate and teach kids who refuse to cooperate, but it doesn’t have to be! There are plenty of strategies you as a parent can use when you want to get your kids to listen. How to get your ...

Raven Montmorency

Stubborn little girl sits with her arms crossed and worried mom sits on the sofa rubbing her head after having an argument.

12 Essential Skills Every Child Should Learn

Children’s grades at school will never be as important as learning such essential skills as how to be grateful and how to behave themselves. A Chinese proverb says: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” So it’s better ...

Kathy McWilliams

A smiling boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

5 Ways to Nurture Children to Develop Gratitude

Parents can be selfless, but they must not allow their children to be selfish. As the old saying goes: “A drop of grace should be repaid with a spring of water.” Gratitude is the most basic cultivation of a human being. Let your child learn to care and help your child learn to be grateful, which is conducive ...

Helen London

Laughing father and son.

Qing Dynasty Merchant Cleverly Instilled Life Principles in His Son

During the Qing Dynasty in China, Suzhou was a vast, populous town with various goods and thriving businesses run by hard-working owners and enterprising merchants. At that time, there were many people living in the Huaiqing area who ran businesses, passing them on from father to son for generations. They taught their descendants not just ...

Helen London

Bronze statues of Qing Dynasty merchants.

4 Qualities of Good Parenting That Children Thrive on and Appreciate

Parents — “‘love” them or “hate” them — it’s an undisputed fact that everyone has parents. Good parenting requires following certain guidelines. Some parents strive to provide and sacrifice everything for their children only to find in later years their children become ungrateful and hostile. This leads to children who are suffering miserably and parents who are ...

Emma Lu

A happy family.

10 Qualities of a Good Father

A good father makes all the difference in a child’s life. He’s a pillar of strength, support, and joy. His work is endless and, sometimes, thankless. But in the end, it shows in the sound, well-adjusted children he raises. A good father loves his children, but he doesn’t let them get away with everything. He ...

Armin Auctor

Father and son holding hands while watching a sunset.

The Inheritance We Leave for Our Children Extends Beyond Material Things

When people are successful in their careers and lives, they think of building assets and plan for making provisions for their kids. While there is nothing wrong with allocating money, land, and other possessions you have for the next generation, you should understand that inheritance is not limited to material belongings. Inheritance is also about ...

Emma Lu

Boy with yellow shirt and orange pants gets a kiss from a girl in pigtails wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans as they sit together on some stone steps outside.

The Dangers of Distracted Parenting

Bringing up children is a major task for any parent, regardless of aspects like religion, ethnicity, or income level, beyond doubt. However, for millions of people living hectic lives and relying too much on gadgets, distracted parenting has become a growing problem. While a lot of parents do think that kids are spending too much ...

Raven Montmorency

Mom using a laptop at the kitchen counter while holding a baby.

The Importance of How to Discipline Your Children

As a parent, you know that disciplining your children is an important and necessary part of raising them. But it’s just as important to pay attention to how you discipline them as it is to why you discipline them. While a child being lazy and irresponsible is certainly detrimental to their development, the most critical ...

Emma Lu

A naughty girl.