listening skills, parenting, raising children

Correcting Behavior in a Child Who Won’t Listen

Children are often very explorative, but their curiosity can make it so they are hard to discipline. The process of teaching them to listen can be very frustrating for some parents and when not taught correctly, this could lead to some actions that could result in permanent behavioral changes. Understanding the reason behind a child ...

Mike West

An upset young girl not wanting to listen.

Want to Become a Good Man, Then Hone These Qualities as a Boy

It is expected that a man will have a solid character so that he can protect, provide for, and be with his family. But many men do not match up to these roles. Sons in such families do not get an ideal role model to follow. Here are some qualities which help in becoming a ...

Max Lu

Smiling African American boy sitting on the beach.

Ancient Wisdom: Times When You Should Not Scold Your Child

We all know it’s important to guide and discipline our children. But just as it’s important to know when to scold your child, it’s also important to know when to not scold your child.  In ancient China, parents had a set of rules for teaching their children how to behave and be well-mannered. While those rules have ...

Tatiana Denning

Father and son on a sofa.

10 Tips for Raising Good Children

The earliest education you receive in life comes from your family, especially from your mother, whose input is critical in raising good children. In order to study a mother’s influence on her children, an American psychologist picked 50 people who obtained significant success in their chosen careers and 50 people who had criminal records. The psychologist wrote ...

Helen London

Mother and young daughter smiling and talking together on a couch.

5 Children’s Habits Parents Should Not Condone

Good and bad habits children form stem largely from their upbringing. While good children’s habits are to be encouraged, bad children’s habits should not be condoned. 5 children’s habits parents should prevent from developing 1. Rudely interrupting conversations in order to talk Some children are impatient and can’t wait to tell their families what they think. Regardless of what setting ...

Emma Lu

Naughty girl with arms crossed being scolded by mother and grandmother.

Is Having an Imaginary Friend Normal for Children?

Growing up, do you ever recall having an “imaginary friend?” A best friend even, who was completely real to you, and only you?  I can’t say that I ever did. I would hear the term often, and yes, I may have pretended within the realms of my own vast imagination that I was friends with ...

Katrina Hicks

Girl whispers in teddy bear's ear.

3 Influences of Well-Groomed Mothers on Children

What impacts do well-groomed mothers have on their children? Ms. Zhou and Ms. Zheng live in the same community and coincidentally both have a son and a daughter.  This year, Ms. Zhou’s eldest son is in the second grade and her youngest daughter has just started kindergarten. Every morning is the busiest time, getting up ...

Helen London

Young mother standing by a crib reading to her daughter from a picturebook.

Children’s Blessings Are Related to Their Parents!

As the Chinese saying goes: “I hope my son will become a dragon and my daughter will become a phoenix.” Throughout history, the greatest hope of parents is that their children will become talented and blessed. Actually, children’s blessings are all related to their parents. Your every word and deed is the luck and cultivation ...

Helen London

Asian girl using a computer in the classroom.

10 Reasons Motherhood Is More Valuable Than Fame and Fortune

When you become a mother, your whole world changes. You are responsible for someone else’s life and welfare. Everything you do now impacts them one way or another. This is why motherhood is greater than fame and fortune. No matter how much money you have or how famous you are, nothing can compare to the ...

Emma Lu

Asian mother and daughter reading a book together while laying on the floor.

8 Simple Activities That Teach Kids an Act of Kindness

When it comes to raising kind kids, it’s not about lecturing them on what they should and shouldn’t do. Kindness is a state of being that needs to be nurtured and cultivated. And the best way to do that is by getting your children involved in fun activities that teach them to perform an act ...

Emma Lu

Smiling redheaded boy playing with an alphabet puzzle.